[comp.sys.amiga] Compress with wildcards?

blgardne@esunix.UUCP (Blaine Gardner) (09/26/88)

If someone could tell me where to find a version of compress for the
Amiga that supports wildcards (Unix style would be nice, but I'll take
anything), I'd be most grateful.

I've tried using the version I've got with ForEach, but it doesn't work.
"ForEach a#? compress -d" reports that "afile.z" doesn't exist.
And "ForEach a#?.Z compress -d" reports that "afile.z.Z" doesn't exist.

	Thanks in advance, Blaine.

Blaine Gardner @ Evans & Sutherland    580 Arapeen Drive, SLC, Utah 84108
UUCP Addresses:  {ucbvax,allegra,decvax}!decwrl!esunix!blgardne
        	 utah-cs!esunix!blgardne        usna!esunix!blgardne
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