[comp.sys.amiga] HAM radio and the Amiga

steelie@pro-charlotte.cts.com (Jim Howard) (09/19/88)

Has anyone out there had any luck in using the Amiga as 
a terminal for transmitting morse code, or any other
kind of data over a HAM radio?  I know there are jillions
of programs to do this on the C-64, but as yet, I havnt
seen anything of the sort on the Amiga.
(please E-mail me, my amiga-net feeds have been acting strange

   UUCP:  ....!crash!pro-charlotte!steelie    | Pro-Charlotte - (704) 567-0029
   ARPA:  crash!pro-charlotte!steelie@nosc.mil| 300/1200/2400 baud  24 hrs/day
   INET:  steelie@pro-charlotte.cts.com       | Log in as "register"

thad@cup.portal.com (09/20/88)

On BBS-JC (415/961-7250 (300,1200,2400) for your land-liners out there!) we
have a special HAM section.  There's also a phone patch into the system
(an Amiga A1000) and the primary SYSOP has a HAM setup you just wouldn't
believe.  Several programs are on the BBS for those who'd like to improve
their CW copy speed.

Thad Floryan [thad@cup.portal.com (OR) ...!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad]

P.S. Neglected to mention my GCDIST (Great Circle Distance Calculator)
program (source and both 68000 and 68020/68881 executable) is on the BBS too
for those who'd like to orient their antennas.  This started as a (simple!)
project to align my antennas to WWV for my Heath NBS clock (whose RS-232
output is used to set my Amiga's clock) and ended up being an interesting
discovery into the vagaries of haversine formulae.  The next version of the
program will have graphical representation of the "world" corresponding to
the points of interest (once the data bases (coordinates of EVERY city on
earth; and all geographic points) have been entered; stay tuned (but don't
hold your breath) for an announcement.

Thad Floryan [thad@cup.portal.com (OR) ...!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad]

dan@ivucsb.UUCP (Daniel Howell) (09/28/88)

In article <3448@crash.cts.com> steelie@pro-charlotte.cts.com (Jim Howard) writes:
>Has anyone out there had any luck in using the Amiga as 
>a terminal for transmitting morse code, or any other
>kind of data over a HAM radio?  I know there are jillions
>of programs to do this on the C-64, but as yet, I havnt
>seen anything of the sort on the Amiga.

I have a couple programs written in AmigaBASIC (hey, no flames! :-) ) which
could be used for transmitting and receiving Morse Code.  One is a program
which will output a string at a speed you specify in wpm.  The other is a
program I used with a circuit described in an old issue of Popular
Electronics which will receive Morse Code, automatically adjusting to the
speed of the sender.  I will upload the programs to comp.sources.amiga
some time in the next couple of weeks...

-- Dan Howell  <...!pyramid!comdesign!ivucsb!dan>  <dan@ivucsb.UUCP>
-- "I can't see you so don't pretend to be there."