[comp.sys.amiga] doesn't fit here

A4422DAE@AWIUNI11.BITNET (Konrad Neuwirth) (10/22/88)

Well, I do know that these questions are actuallyt not for this group,
but i stil ask them.

1.) Could please someone give my informations about the things that happened
    on this year's siggraph ? I just heard that they had computer generated
    people, and I want to talk our brodcasting company (yes, we just have
    one in austria, as the state has a monopole on broadcasting) into showing
    things from siggraph, and have to have some information.

2.) I heard that AEGIS is under chapter 11. Is that so?

3.) What is the cheapest price for a second drive (external, for a A1000) ?

thank you

I Konrad Neuwirth          I /                                   I
I Fernkorngasse 44-2-4     I<            Disclaiming: is it      I
I A-1100 Wien              I \           worth the risk ?        I
I Austria                    I\  I                               I
I +43/222/604 15 30          I  \I                               I
I                            I   I                               I