[comp.sys.amiga] Find Finding Found FONT

ramanuja@odin.ucsd.edu (Mohana Ramanujan) (11/08/88)

[This fonts for you...]

I'm a hungry font man, but I'm a poor one too.  I will gladly pay you Tuesday
for a font today.  I'll take big fonts small fonts.  All kinds of fonts.

   Mohan        ...!ucsd!odin!ramanuja

ali@polya.Stanford.EDU (Ali T. Ozer) (11/09/88)

In article <5497@sdcsvax.UCSD.EDU> Mohana Ramanujan writes:
>I'm a hungry font man, but I'm a poor one too.  I will gladly pay you Tuesday
>for a font today.  I'll take big fonts small fonts.  All kinds of fonts.

As long as it's not election day, I'll take any Tuesday. Check out 
Fish disk 135, which contains 78 fonts (22 fonts at different sizes).
The fonts are in TeX "pk" format; a converter program (TeXF) is also supplied
on the same disk to convert the fonts to AmigaDOS format. They're not 
multi-colored & they're not too wild (meaning no Zapf Dingbats), but they are
pretty (if TeX uses it, it's pretty), and some are big enough for video
titling work (>100 pixels).

Theoretically you can use the converter program to convert *any* TeX font
into an AmigaDOS font. The problem is, the version of the converter on 
Fish disk 135 has a bug that prevents this from happening; you can do it,
but it takes some head scratching. There's a new version of converter
(TeXF version 2.6) out there somewhere; that is the one you need if you
want to convert other TeX fonts... If you can't find it, I can mail you
a shar file.

Ali Ozer, aozer@NeXT.com