[comp.sys.amiga] Ram: bug still in 1.3

Ata@radc-multics.arpa (John G. Ata) (11/15/88)

Well, it appears that most ram: related bugs have been fixed in 1.3,
however one still remains (tested with 1.3 Workbench and 1.2 Kickstart).
This may be reproduced by doing the following:

1. Open Ram: window
2. Copy a drawer (from another disk) into Ram: by dragging a drawer into
   the window.
3. Delete the drawer by using the Workbench delete menu option.
4. Instead of the drawer going away, you will get an error (216)
indicating that the directory is not empty.  This is NOT the way it
works on other disks or RAD:
5. Repeated selection of the delete option on the drawer will then cause
ONE item in the drawer to be deleted.  (If you don't crash at this point,
you could keep on deleting the drawer until all items have been deleted.
Then the drawer will go away.)
6. If one double clicks on the drawer at this point, a guru may result.

I believe that the behaviour was also exhibited under 1.2

                              John G. Ata

andy@cbmvax.UUCP (Andy Finkel) (11/15/88)

In article <5379@louie.udel.EDU> Ata@radc-multics.arpa (John G. Ata) writes:
>Well, it appears that most ram: related bugs have been fixed in 1.3,
>however one still remains (tested with 1.3 Workbench and 1.2 Kickstart).
>This may be reproduced by doing the following:
>1. Open Ram: window
>2. Copy a drawer (from another disk) into Ram: by dragging a drawer into
>   the window.
>3. Delete the drawer by using the Workbench delete menu option.
>4. Instead of the drawer going away, you will get an error (216)
>indicating that the directory is not empty.  This is NOT the way it
>works on other disks or RAD:

This can actually be considered a Workbench bug.  Under 1.2 and 1.3, 
Workbench was doing a delete operation on a file, then doing the ExNext
to get to the next file.  Well, due to the way the standard file
system works, that block is still cached, so Workbench didn't have
problems.  Under 1.2 the ram handler had serious problems with
this concept.  For 1.3 I made it safer...the ram-handler cuts
the ExNext chain at that point; I suppose I could have put in
a cache....oh well.  Workbench will do it better in the future.
andy finkel		{uunet|rutgers|amiga}!cbmvax!andy
Commodore-Amiga, Inc.

"Possibly this is a new usage of the word 'compatible' with which
 I was previously unfamiliar"

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