[comp.sys.amiga] A different hard drive question

skinner@godot.radonc.unc.edu (Andrew Skinner) (11/24/88)

    First, let me say I'm posting from an account other than my normal mailing
address, because our news server is down. So if you send me mail, send it to
skinner@unc.cs.unc.edu.  I probably won't read news until sometime next week.
But I do have mail forwarded.

    I have a Seagate 157N with a Pacific Peripherals controller.  I have the
disk partitioned into:
	WB:   the workbench, will be bootable if I bother to get the ROMs,
	DH0:  FFS, &
	DH1:  FFS.
    I haven't been too concerned about access speed for most things, so I put
the entire Workbench, the Extras tools directory, and miscellaneous stuff in
WB:, because I thought it was the best organization.  Other things will go into
DH0:, and DH1: will be a working directory when I need it.  But after putting
a little bit more stuff into WB:, I have filled it up already.  (You'd think
I'd have learned THAT by now!  :^)  So I copied the contents of WB: and DH0:
(obviously not nearly full yet) into DH1:.  Before I do anything rash, can
I reformat WB: and DH0: with a bigger size for WB: and replace the contents
from DH1:?  I tried just changing the mountlist, booting from a floppy, and
mounting just DH1:, but it didn't work.
    The easiest fix is to create a bin directory in dh0: for things that don't
fit into WB:, instead of adding them to C:.  That might be a bit cleaner, too,
since WB: would only hold stuff from the "official" workbench and extras disks.

andy skinner