[comp.sys.amiga] California Access CA-880 drive

Tom Claydon: ASTLC@alaska.bitnet;, (12/12/88)


  I recently purchased a California Access CA-880 3.5" external drive
for my Amiga 500, and when I tried to format a new disk, I hit a major bug.

  I have:

                Amiga 500
                A501 Memory Expansion
                Atari SX212 1200 baud modem

  When formatting a new disk under WB 1.3, everything goes along great,
until the system tries to initialize the disk. I get a "Error 880" or
something to that effect.

  But when I put AmigaDOS 1.3 in drive DF1: (The CA-880), and format the
disk in DF0:, everything works.

  I take it this drive is not 100% compatible, or what are my fumbling
fingers doing wrong?


Tom Claydon
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