[comp.sys.amiga] Writing MSDOS Floppies on an Amiga

tmb@davinci.acc.Virginia.EDU (Thomas M. Breeden) (12/10/88)

I have an Amiga 1000 and would like to be able to produce MS-DOS floppies
containing text files created by Amiga-DOS.

What's a good way to do this without purchasing an IBM-PC?

Is the "Transformer" (name?) product still available?

Is there a simpler way? Do there exist programs (DOS-2-DOS?) with the
capability to format and write MS-DOS floppies? On the standard Amiga
floppy? Only on a 5.25in floppy?

Can I daily chain any 5.25in floppy drive off the back
of df1: ?

I'd appreciate hearing from anyone with experience doing this.

             Tom Breeden
             tmb@virginia.EDU    <- internet address 
             tmb@virginia.BITNET <- bitnet address 

smaug@eneevax.UUCP (Kurt Lidl) (12/12/88)

In article <283@galen.acc.virginia.edu> tmb@davinci.acc.Virginia.EDU (Thomas M. Breeden) writes:
>I have an Amiga 1000 and would like to be able to produce MS-DOS floppies
>containing text files created by Amiga-DOS.

>Is the "Transformer" (name?) product still available?

Don't bother with it.  It is hard to use, and unless you are good at
Messy-DOS hacking, a real pain to setup...
Not to mention, unless you have a copy of a LapTop's DOS, your 3.5" disks
will only format to 360K.

>Is there a simpler way? Do there exist programs (DOS-2-DOS?) with the
>capability to format and write MS-DOS floppies? On the standard Amiga
>floppy? Only on a 5.25in floppy?

Dos2Dos has the capability to format both 5.25" and 3.5" disks.  It can
read and write to both of them.  It has options for doing ASCII only
or binary transfers...  In short, it is a great program!  Easy to use
and faster than the PCUtil's on the Extras disk.

>Can I daily chain any 5.25in floppy drive off the back
>of df1: ?

I theory, yes.  I have my 5.25" drive off the back of my B2000 (which
has two internal drives).

>I'd appreciate hearing from anyone with experience doing this.

>             Thanks,
		You're welcome,

>   Tom Breeden  tmb@virginia.EDU
==  Kurt J. Lidl  (smaug@eneevax.umd.edu)	(301)454-3184	==
==  UUCP: [seismo,allegra]!umcp-cs!eneevax!smaug		==
========"It's after 3am, no point in going to sleep now..."=======

ljc@otter.hpl.hp.com (Lee Carter) (12/13/88)

I agree with the last poster.
I use DOS-2-DOS to transfer files in between an Amiga and an HP Vectra
(MSDOS machine) with no problems at all.
Good program.

Lee Carter.

No .sig - my address has changed.