[comp.sys.amiga] PATCH

ekg@warwick.UUCP (Kevan Gelling) (12/09/88)

I missed the posting of PATCH for the Amiga on comp.{sources|binaries}.amiga
which is needed to make use of the recent NetHack postings. Would somebody
be kind enough to e-mail a copy.

Thanks in Advance

      //   | Kevan Gelling   ekg@cs.warwick.ac.uk |  University of Warwick
  \\ //    |--------------------------------------+  Coventry
   \X/     | #include <witty comment.h>           |  England

mjm@beach.cis.ufl.edu (Michael Murphy) (12/14/88)

In article <865@ubu.warwick.UUCP> ekg@warwick.UUCP (Kevan Gelling) writes:
>I missed the posting of PATCH for the Amiga on comp.{sources|binaries}.amiga
>which is needed to make use of the recent NetHack postings. Would somebody
>be kind enough to e-mail a copy.
>Thanks in Advance

I missed that too.  I never heard anything about needing PATCH to run Nethack.
I seem to be able to run Nethack okay, but i also haven't tried to go very far.
(about level 3 or so, and then a save.)  Would someone also email me a copy of
this PATCH, or tell me where to find it?

Also, i'm having a problem getting AutoDiskChange to work (recently posted
as a utility to allow use of FFS on floppies).  I have arplib in the libs
directory, like the doc says, but when i run it i get "...failed, returncode
10" (something like that, i forgot the exact error message).  The setup is
a 1000, with Insider 1Meg expansion, and the Supra 4x4 with Seagate 65M
(ST277N?).  Other than that, i have FFS working just fine with floppies (as
long as i remember to do a DiskChange ffn:...).  If anyone knows or something
that might help, i'd appreciate hearing from you.

-Michael Murphy