[comp.sys.amiga] AmigaWorld article of the Juggler..

gefuchs@top.cis.syr.edu (Gill E. Fuchs) (12/15/88)


Does anybody out there have an old copy of the AmigaWorld issue about
Raytracing and has the picture of the juggler on the front....

If you do, please send your name and internet address, and I will contact you.
(I am not looking for the article(text), i just need the code...

thank you....

-vahid Koussari

Vahid koussari 
Syracuse University Iconic communications lab

Koussari@rodan.acs.syr.edu    gefuchs@top.cis.syr.edu      (internet-mail)
Box 148   405 University Pl.  Syracuse, NY 13210           (snail-mail)
              (315)   -  443   -  7633                     (Ma' Bell)