[comp.sys.amiga] Manx C from harddisk?

arxt@sphinx.uchicago.edu (patrick palmer) (12/22/88)

I have been installing Manx c compiler on my harddisk, and I cannot seem to 
get it right.  (I was so furious last night that I waited until morning to 
compose this question.)  What I tried to do is install the disks named SYS1
and SYS2 as subdirectories in a directory to work on manx c in.  I changed
the original disk based startup file to assign these names (SYS1: and SYS2:) 
to the subdirectories and execute this file before I do anything else.  I 
did not change anything else.  The result is that things do not work quite 
right (well, I can compile a program to print "Hello, world", but I really 
wanted to do a little more.)  I have tried to compile some of the examples on
the disk SYS2, but beep.c gives all kinds of pointer/integer errors  and leo.c
compiles and works but will not quit - when killed by clicking in the general
vicinity of the close gadget, the display stops, but it keeps a shell and will
not give it back until the machine crashes.

I think I have two problems:
	I may not have assignments made correctly so that various libraries
	cannot be found - although I do not get error messages about this.
	So, I do not trust my initialization script.  (Note, for example, I 
	do not have an s or c directory in the directory that I made for C 
	programming - I really did as little as I said I did.)

	Second, I may be making mistakes with complier and linker options. 
	(Well, probably I am.)  But, if I could trust my setup, I could probably
	figure these out - like any good monkey typing the Encylopedia 

I would greatly appreciate any hints about a correct - and efficient while
we are at it - setup for using Manx C from a hard disk under 1.3.

Pat Palmer  email:  ppalmer@oddjob.uchicago.edu

scotth@harlie.SGI.COM (Scott Henry) (12/22/88)

From article <1219@tank.uchicago.edu>, by arxt@sphinx.uchicago.edu (patrick  palmer):
> I have been installing Manx c compiler on my harddisk, and I cannot seem to 
> get it right.  (I was so furious last night that I waited until morning to 
> [deleted stuff]
> I would greatly appreciate any hints about a correct - and efficient while
> we are at it - setup for using Manx C from a hard disk under 1.3.
> Pat Palmer  email:  ppalmer@oddjob.uchicago.edu

It's actually very simple. Manx doesn't care about what is ASSIGN'ed where,
it only cares about where the environment points, and that the binaries are
in your path. Let's say you have set up things as:

etc. (those are the important ones), where the directory contents should be
self-explanatory(??), and they can contain EVERYTHING from similarly named
directories on all of the Manx distribution disks (SYS1:, SYS2:, ...).

The following set of commands will set things up:

path DH0:manx/bin add
dh0:manx/bin/set INCLUDE=DH0:manx/include/
DH0:manx/bin/set LIBS=DH0:manx/bin/lib
Other SET's as appropriate to your system. (I hope I got the names and
syntax correct, I'm doing it from memory). Mine has been set up this way
for months, and working fine the whole time. If you are still having problems,
e-mail me and maybe we can figure it out.

	Scott Henry <scotth@sgi.com>

#include <std/disclaimer.h>
              Scott Henry <scotth@harlie.sgi.com> {or, also on the Internet:}
#include <std_disclaimer.h>