[comp.sys.amiga] mail order Amigae

elg@killer.DALLAS.TX.US (Eric Green) (12/23/88)

I hate to do this, but...

My local dealer has lots of Amiga 500's. One problem, though: they're
all bundled up in a "package deal". I don't need a package. I have a
monitor, a disk drive, all the software I need, even Workbench 1.3 --
I just don't happen to own an Amiga of my own (this one is a loaner
from work, and I feel uncomfortable about doing non-work stuff on it).
He said he'd have to special-order an A500 keyboard for me, and that
the lowest price he could do on quantity-one was something like $800.
For the bare keyboard. After New Years. Without the expansion to 1MB.
Which would add another $200. All of which added together means no
hard drive until next fall.  So:

Are there any mail order places selling LEGITIMATE Amiga 500's? (by
which I mean, "non-grey-market"... otherwise the warranty is no good,
and from all accounts the A500 needs all the warranty it can get ;-).
Please reply by mail, and send all flames about my poor hardpressed
local dealer to /dev/null (if I had the money I'd buy it from him,
but, hey, I NEED that hard drive).

Eric Lee Green    ..!{ames,decwrl,mit-eddie,osu-cis}!killer!elg
          Snail Mail P.O. Box 92191 Lafayette, LA 70509              
Netter A: In Hell they run VMS.
Netter B: No.  In Hell, they run MS-DOS.  And you only get 256k.

eberger@godot.psc.edu (Ed Berger) (12/23/88)

If you have one in your area, Try:
B. Daltons Software,Etc. is selling the A500 for $589.
They aren't pushing monitors on people (not me at least)
For $49.95 They sell the RGB-Video/RF interface, with:
	The Graphics studio
Local Retailers who had the adapter on display, wanted that much, alone.
Its kinda like getting the software for FREE.
	-Look Ma, No Pirates!
	-Happy Amiga Christmas...

We were at the Beach.  Everybody had matching towels....

Ed Berger						eberger@cpwpsca.bitnet
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center		..!uunet!godot.psc.edu!eberger