[comp.sys.amiga] Dead Seagate ST-277N HD

Doug_B_Erdely@cup.portal.com (01/03/89)

Hi all, I have a good question.....
    My Seagate HD a ST277N has bitten the dust, and I am curious as to why
this might be! It has worked GREAT for 6 months of HEAVY use. What it does is
this.... flip the power switch and you can hear it spin up and then the normal
noise of the heads moving around (ddd...ddd..d.d.d) and then LOUD head movement
and the Access light on the front blinks 4 times and then thats all she wrote!
    I am sure that the access light blinking 4 times means something!?!?
Now to finish this story... the HD was moved.. gently oh, so gently but I know
that the HD was turned completly upside down!! Would this make a difference??
And does anyone know what the 4 blinks of the LED mean from a Seagate SCSI
hard drive??  Thanks for ANY help!

          - Doug -


thad@cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) (01/04/89)

Re: Doug Erdeley's question about the dead ST277N ...

At power on, Seagate's embedded SCSI drives will do some self-checks, and
report the status by blinking the LED.  Here are the codes:

blinks   condition

 1       failure of microprocessor and internal memory
 2       failure of microprocessor ROM checksum
 3       failure of controller chip
 4       failure of controller program RAM
 5       failure of data buffer RAM
 6       failure of drive motor to reach proper speed
 7       failure to find sector ID marks
 8       failure to read the disk's OS from the drive
 9       read the OS from the drive, but found the "records" to be bad

The nature of the failure you reported would suggest that simply replacing
the PC board on the underside of the drive would solve the problem.  However,
per my earlier (last year) communication with Seagate both in Scotts Valley,
CA, and <someplace in Florida> (their repair center), Seagate does NOT repair
the board(s) but will swap out a new drive for you.
What I'd suggest is finding someone with an ST277N, borrow the card from that
drive, mount it on your drive, get your data off the disk, then swap the 
boards again, and send your drive in for "repair."

Thad Floryan [thad@cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad]

ray@stevie.cs.unlv.edu (Ray Tripamer) (01/05/89)

In article <13141@cup.portal.com> Doug_B_Erdely@cup.portal.com writes:
>    My Seagate HD a ST277N has bitten the dust...
>What it does is this.... flip the power switch and you can hear it spin up
>and then LOUD head movement and the Access light on the front blinks 4 times
>and then thats all she wrote!
>    I am sure that the access light blinking 4 times means something!?!?

	Try calling Seagate at 1-800-468-3472.  I tried when my ST157N
	did exactly the same thing (except I got 8 blinks) after only
	1 month of use.  I could never get through to technical support.
	The line was always busy.

	Since mine was still under warranty, I just had it replaced by
	Lyco Computers (where I bought it - I was very satisfied with their
	service and prices).
Ray Tripamer

HXN@PSUVM.BITNET (Joseph Hennessey) (01/07/89)

I do not know how to fix it but I would be interested if you could tell me how
to hook one up to an amiga and where to get the parts.  Did you buy the drive f
orm seagate and add your own power supply do you need a controller will it run
on an amiga 500 ????

                     Thanks in advance,

                     Joseph Hennessey

Doug_B_Erdely@cup.portal.com (01/08/89)

You will need some type of controller to connect it to the Computer. I have
an A1000 (Remember us guys?) and use a Cltd Controller. Don't really know what
is out there for the A500. You will also need a power supply and case for the
HD. My best advice for a novice, buy a pre packaged system!

          - Doug -
