swatt (11/03/82)
I am continually struck by the number of queries and responses in net.general of the form: "How do I go about getting ... from ...?" or "Are there any commercially available ...?" This strikes me as both an inefficient way to do a lot of this, and a burden on all of us who have to read it, so: o If you want to get software from AT&T, write (U.S. Mail ONLY; no network mail; no phone calls) to: AT&T Patent Licensing PO Box 25000 Greensboro, NC. 27420 o If you want to get Bell CSTR's (Computing Science Technical Reports), write: Bell Telephone Laboratories 600 Mountain Ave Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Attn: Clare Metzger o If you want to get 4.?BSD (VAX) software from Berkeley, write: University of California at Berkeley Computer Systems Research Group College of EE & CS Berkeley, Ca. 94720 Attn: distribution coordinator o If you want to know what is commercially available, FIRST consult the latest /usr/group UNIX(tm) Catalog. If you don't have one of these, write to: /usr/group PO Box 8570 Stanford, CA. 94305-0221 (Three cheers to /usr/group for putting this out!). o If you are a vendor and want to tell everybody about your nifty widgets for UNIX, get the above catalog, fill out a catalog revision form, and send it back in to be included in the next catalog. o SAVE THIS NOTE!!!!. The last thing I want to see is stuff coming over net.general of the form: "I saw info on how to get stuff, but I can't find it ..." o Additions and corrections welcome. - Alan S. Watt [decvax!]ittvax!swatt