[comp.sys.amiga] Blitter Feature

papa@pollux.usc.edu (Marco Papa) (01/17/89)

In article <302@lakesys.UUCP> mikes@lakesys.UUCP (Mike Shawaluk) writes:
|I believe that the "flicker" problem that Blaine is talking about isn't
|actually flicker per se, but the effect seen when certain color combinations
|are scrolled in multi-color modes.  For example, if you have yellow text on a
|black background, and that line of text is scrolled upwards, you might see a
|momentary ghost text line on the screen for a fraction of a second,
|presumably since the text is being scrolled by the blitter, which can only do
|one bit plane at a time (it can do 2 bit planes without noticable flashing,
|but for 3 or more it poops out).  Has anyone out there ever seen a terminal
|program that didn't have this problem in an 8-color mode?

That's not a "flicker" problem.  Call it a "blitter feature" if you want.
Any program (not just terminal programs, but editors and others as weell)
that scrolls more than one bitplane will exhibit thei "feature" of blitter
copying.  I guess unless the blitter operation is changed, we can't do
much about it.

-- Marco Papa 'Doc'
uucp:...!pollux!papa       BIX:papa       ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu
 "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland]

brianr@tekig5.PEN.TEK.COM (Brian Rhodefer) (01/18/89)

 <-- Marco Papa 'Doc'>

Why isn't it possible to paint the new information into non-displayed
lines of an oversize screen, taking however long, and then readjusting
the pointers that the video generation system resets from at the Top
Of Frame, such that a different section of the screen gets displayed?

It seems to me that even all five bitplane pointers could be reloaded
during vertical retrace, eliminating the `partially-moved bitplanes'

Am I missing something?


Brian Rhodefer   ...!tektronix!tekig5!brianr

limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli) (01/20/89)

Marco, have you considered a double-buffered 9600 BPS emulator?  :-)
(well, maybe I shouldn't have included the :-) )
   Tom Limoncelli   Drew University    Madison NJ    201-408-5389
       tlimonce@drunivac.Bitnet          limonce@pilot.njin.net
 "Fences make good neighbors" -Frost       "I want an MMU" -Me
    Standard disclaimer?  No, we're still on the dpANS disclaimer.