[comp.sys.amiga] now that we have newshell aux: ...

fox@cs.cs.columbia.edu (David Fox) (01/21/89)

1.3 allows me to run a shell on the serial port.  All I need now is
versions of emacs and kermit which run over the serial port, and
implicit in such tools is some termcap library equivalent.  Do these
tools exist?  (Apologies if this has been discussed already...)

David Fox

papa@pollux.usc.edu (Marco Papa) (01/21/89)

In article <FOX.89Jan20135230@cs.cs.columbia.edu> fox@cs.cs.columbia.edu (David Fox) writes:
>1.3 allows me to run a shell on the serial port.  All I need now is
>versions of emacs and kermit which run over the serial port, and
>implicit in such tools is some termcap library equivalent.  Do these
>tools exist?  (Apologies if this has been discussed already...)

Patches to micrognuemacs 1.g (or whatever) were posted a long while ago.
I actually continued programming for 2 weeks through the serial port and
a dumb terminal when my Amiga monitor broke during the LA 1987 October quake.

I am told that the version of C-Kermit from Columbia also will work from
a cli started on AUX:, though I cannot confirm this.

-- Marco Papa 'Doc'
uucp:...!pollux!papa       BIX:papa       ARPAnet:pollux!papa@oberon.usc.edu
 "There's Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Diga!" -- Leo Schwab [quoting Rick Unland]