[comp.sys.amiga] Abels

jmoore@dtix.arpa (Moore) (01/24/89)

In article <666@intvax.UUCP>, <intvax!bryan> (Jon Bryan) writes :
>I, for one, have had nothing but excellent service from Abel over the
>last couple of years.  Just got a 60Meg hard disk for my 1000 at quite a
>good price, have bought lots of software, and got my Insider from them.
>I've never had a problem, and I'd hate to see them get a bad rap.

  This is good news....I am in the process ot getting a hard disk.
  Do you reccomend the Abel's hard disk systems...where else did you 
  look?  Any comments welcome (from anyone) on this matter.  I
  want to get a hard disk system, but don't want to end up with
  a 1/2 working system that I can't return.

     Jim Moore


     The Navy sinks ships, I have opinions.


bryan@intvax.UUCP (Jon R Bryan) (01/24/89)

In article <7093@louie.udel.EDU>, jmoore@dtix.arpa (Moore) writes:
>   Do you reccomend the Abel's hard disk systems... 

  I bought a "Standard" 60-meg system from them, which is a Seagate 277N
in a full-height enclosure and a Supra controller.  You also get a
6-foot SCSI cable and the docs for the drive and controller.  I plugged
it in, turned it on, booted from the Supra boot floppy, and everything
has been working great since.  My cost (including next-day shipping) was
$790.  I haven't seen a better deal for 60 megs for the 1000.  I asked
them to make two 30-meg partitions, and they put about 10 meg of Fish
stuff on the second partition.  Both partitions are FFS.

  Only problem so far is that the drive makes a lot more noise than my
1000 does.  I'd gotten used to almost complete silence.

rich@inmet (01/26/89)

]   I bought a "Standard" 60-meg system from them, which is a Seagate 277N
] in a full-height enclosure and a Supra controller.  You also get a
] 6-foot SCSI cable and the docs for the drive and controller.  I plugged
] ^^^^^^^
]   Only problem so far is that the drive makes a lot more noise than my
] 1000 does.  I'd gotten used to almost complete silence.

With the 6-foot cable, you can put the drive somewhere else! (like on the
floor, which is what we did).

We got the same drive from Abel, and it is working very well.  I did hear
that (after the drive was purchased) the seagate drives may have a reliability

Richard Man
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