[comp.sys.amiga] next release of DNET , BBS/password support

dillon@POSTGRES.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) (01/28/89)

	I have decided to support BBS like operations under DNET.  Several
people have approached me with this in mind.  To do this I need to add some
new features:

	A new option or two to the DNET command line, like to be able to
	set the client which is automatically run on connect (currently
	DNET automatically runs FTERM on connect).  i.e. set it to the
	bbs server.

	(1) a user-name / password server.  On initial connect DNET will
	    set an enviroment variable, DNET_LEVEL, to "0".  User X will
	    be able to connect to the password server to modify the access

	(2) A BBS server.   This will also have an incorporated password
	    server in it and set the DNET_LEVEL according to user name and

	    I don't in tend to make a full fledged bbs server .. I'll leave 
	    that to others, but what I do make will be quite usable.

	    I.E. this would be automatically run by DNET on the BBS side and
	    open a standard STERM (remote user interactive window) on the
	    user side.

	    The BBS server would be like the interactive menu driven stuff
	    you see today, just that it is a server now rather than the
	    whole shebang.

	(3) DNET_LEVEL will be read by all the servers.  For example, it
	    would limit which directories you can download to.  (The user
	    can also limit his own servers in the same manner so hostile
	    BBSs will not be able to overwrite his C: directory or something).

	    The SCLI server would only run if the highest access were granted.

	    (Currently, the only way to prevent servers from being run is to
	    remove their entries from the S:dnet.servers file)

	(4) A new server called GETFILES will be written.  Currently, there
	    is only PUTFILES (i.e. the BBS would have to do a 'putfiles' 
	    to download to you).  Adding a GETFILES puts all file uploading
	    and downloading at the user's discretion.

	(5) Better handling of error conditions in the file transfer servers.
	    i.e. allow you to ^C your putfiles/getfiles to abort a transfer.

	    PUTFILES/GETFILES will restrict directories you are allowed to
	    upload to and download from by comparing the comment field of
	    the root of the directory tree to the current access level.
	    (i.e. have LEVEL=<blah> in the commnet field for the directory)

	    Access privilages to files would be restricted according to
	    their parent directory.  (I'll keep on ParentDir()ing until I
	    hit root or a valid comment field to determine access 

	    The SCOPY server (server for putfiles & getfiles) will look at
	    various new enviroment variables for limits on download/upload
	    total-group-size.  This can be used by the BBS server to warn
	    users if a download/upload will take too much time.

	And, of course, since DNET is a general client/server oriented program
	It would be really keen to have a MAIL server that automatically
	downloads mail destined for the user and automatically uploads mail
	from the user (that he had queued beforehand).

	And, how about this:  have some kind of automatic-dialup program.
	Every so often or on a schedule (cron?) the BBS would dial up other
	local BBSs to exchange mail and whatnot.  Say... do you think we
	could span the nation on local lines?
