[comp.sys.amiga] Speech Toy

PKG.SPARKMAN@MCC.COM (Aubrey Sparkman) (01/13/87)

Help please!

I have a 3 yr old son and I'm sure hee would love speechtoy.  Only my dealer
never heard of it.  Who wrote it, Published it, etc????  also any other
programs for youngsters or leads on the same would ve appreciated.

Aubrey sparkman

arpa:  pkg.sparkman@mcc.com

stever@videovax.Tek.COM (Steven E. Rice, P.E.) (01/15/87)

In article <12270497785.22.PKG.SPARKMAN@MCC.COM>, Aubrey Sparkman

> Help please!
> I have a 3 yr old son and I'm sure hee would love speechtoy.  Only my dealer
> never heard of it.  Who wrote it, Published it, etc????  also any other
> programs for youngsters or leads on the same would ve appreciated.

SpeechToy is on one of the earlier Fish Disks.  These disks contain
freely redistributable software, and are compiled by Fred Fish.  You
should be able to copy these disks (46 at last count) if you have a
friend that has them.  Check to see if there is a local Amiga club, as

If you can't find them locally, you can order the disks from Fred directly:

> ------------
> To order, send a list of the disks you want, and $6 per disk ($5 per disk
> for 10 or more disks), in U.S. funds, to:
> 	Fred Fish
> 	1346 W. 10th Place
> 	Tempe, Az  85281
> 	(602) 921-1113    (Sorry, I can only return calls collect.)
> Price includes cost of media, mailing materials, and first class domestic
> postage.  Overseas orders add $5 per order for Air Mail.  Time and other
> jobs permitting, all disks will be mailed within 3 days of receipt of order.

Not everything on these disks is useful, but they are in general worth
their price (and then some!).  My 3-1/2-year-old likes SpeechToy (disk 5),
Moire (disk 9), Mandelbrot (disk 31), and Sproing (disk 33).  He also likes
to play _Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood_ (a commercially-available
game), but he needs constant help with it, since he cannot read. . .

					Steve Rice

{decvax | hplabs | ihnp4 | uw-beaver}!tektronix!videovax!stever

dickow@ui3.UUCP (01/15/87)

PKG.SPARKMAN@MCC.COM (Aubrey Sparkman) asks this question:

>Help please!

>I have a 3 yr old son and I'm sure hee would love speechtoy.  Only my dealer
>never heard of it.  Who wrote it, Published it, etc????  also any other
>programs for youngsters or leads on the same would ve appreciated.

>Aubrey sparkman

>arpa:  pkg.sparkman@mcc.com

   Speechtoy is in the public domain. It is on a Fred Fish Disk, but you
can also get it from:

     Toronto PET Users Group
     101 Duncan Mill Road, Suite G7
     Don Mills, Ontario M38 1Z3

     Ask for Amiga disk (A)AAA
     Give 'em $10.00 (Canadian, I think--send VISA card# to avoid hassles)

     Other things on this disk are Amigaterm (terminal emulator)
                                   Halfbrite (tests your Amiga for special
                                              halfbrite chip ability)
                                   Balls (kinetic thingy)
                                   Amigademo ....and much more.

Bob Dickow (...egg-id!ui3!dickow)

qtest@whuts.UUCP (QUINTEST) (01/19/87)

In article <12270497785.22.PKG.SPARKMAN@MCC.COM>, Aubrey Sparkman
> Help please!
> I have a 3 yr old son and I'm sure hee would love speechtoy.  Only my dealer
> never heard of it.  Who wrote it, Published it, etc????  also any other
> programs for youngsters or leads on the same would ve appreciated.
I just purchaced this weekend, the 1.2 workbench/kickstart upgrade
from a computer store. If I remember correctly speachToy is included,
together with it's icon.
Included with the third (extras) disk is emacs, I haven't tried this yet.
The price of the upgrade is $15. I was told that this upgrade had been
available of about a month.

trantow@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Jerry J Trantow) (01/31/89)

Some time ago I posted a plea for help with editing WorkBenchObjects
so I could store windowsettings, etc.  Rob Peck replied that his latest
version of Speech Toy had the source for doing this and more (AREXX).
I have been unable to find this version.  Could someone please tell
me where I can find this??? (Fish Disk?)