[comp.sys.amiga] PageStream comments

daves@hpcilzb.HP.COM (Dave Scroggins) (01/11/89)

I'm seeking any comments/experiences anyone may have had with the
desktop publishing software called "PageStream" from Soft-Logik
Publishing Corp.


Dave S.

schwager@m.cs.uiuc.edu (01/13/89)

> /* ---------- "PageStream comments" ---------- */
> I'm seeking any comments/experiences anyone may have had with the
> desktop publishing software called "PageStream" from Soft-Logik
> Publishing Corp.
> Thanks,
> Dave S.
> /* End of text from m.cs.uiuc.edu:comp.sys.amiga */

Oh, you should find oodles of experienced, fun-loving, comment-laden,
yet altogether frustrated users of this nice piece of VaporWare.  Go
ahead- give 'em a call.  (314) 894-8608.  Take whatever story they tell
you with a grain of salt.  I've been waiting since last April for it.

-Mike Schwager				schwager@a.cs.uiuc.edu
-- {uunet,convex,pur-ee}!uiucdcs!schwager   schwager%uiuc@csnet-relay.arpa
	University of Illinois, Dept. of Computer Science

daves@hpcilzb.HP.COM (Dave Scroggins) (01/14/89)

>> /* ---------- "PageStream comments" ---------- */
>> I'm seeking any comments/experiences anyone may have had with the
>> desktop publishing software called "PageStream" from Soft-Logik
>> Publishing Corp.
>> Thanks,
>> Dave S.
>> /* End of text from m.cs.uiuc.edu:comp.sys.amiga */

>Oh, you should find oodles of experienced, fun-loving, comment-laden,
>yet altogether frustrated users of this nice piece of VaporWare.  Go
>ahead- give 'em a call.  (314) 894-8608.  Take whatever story they tell
>you with a grain of salt.  I've been waiting since last April for it.

Well let's see -- it IS advertised in the Feb. edition of a major
Amiga magazine as "Shipping Now!".

I also got a couple of comments about demos of this package that basically
said it was/will be the best Desk Top Publishing for the Amiga ever.

Even more important to humanity than the invention of the napkin.

To quote- "it will be the defininitive desktop publishing system for the

So I guess there have been at least some demos around for people to

Speaking of which ---


I tried to send you some E-mail, but it bounced back.

Based on the demo you saw, what did you like about it?
Could you give me some specifics?


Dave S.

schwager@m.cs.uiuc.edu (01/18/89)

> Well let's see -- it IS advertised in the Feb. edition of a major
> Amiga magazine as "Shipping Now!".
And last March they said that I could trade in my PageSetter disk + $55
for Publishing Partner Pro (now "PageStream"), but that I had to act
quick cuz the offer ended... what was it, May 1st?  I waited patiently
until last month, cuz they kept sending me little cards that said,
"Thanks for being patient, it's coming RSN!!"  One of 'em came in
November and said, "boy, are you PATIENT!!!" :-)  Just kidding.
Finally, I called 'em in December.  The guy on the phone said, "oh,
well, yeah... see, recently we kinda had a problem with the printer of the
manual, but we'll be shipping FOR SURE in early January."  I said, "Converting
from the Julian to the Soft-Logik calendar, that means it'll be here
around... hmmm.... January 20, right?"  To which the guy says, "Oh, no,
no, no... I'm sure you'll see it the first or second week of January.
No problem."  So I called 'em last week just to double check, and they
said "we're getting rid of some bugs... it'll be mid February."  So I
think  you bought your magazine a little early.

Anyway, the programmer showed me a demo of this thing at Chicago's
AmiExpo.  It really was neat, but I don't know how neat it was compared
to PageSetter Pro, since I don't have that.  You could draw objects,
then move 'em around over and through each other.  Blocks of text, too.
Resizing, rotating, cool stuff like that.
It was faster then regular PageSetter, but still needed work in the
speed department.  The programmer was confident they could get it to
scroll quickly.  

> I also got a couple of comments about demos of this package that basically
> said it was/will be the best Desk Top Publishing for the Amiga ever.
> To quote- "it will be the defininitive desktop publishing system for the
>            AMIGA."

The demo was indeed very impressive.  But what I want to know is: how could
any business person in their right mind start advertising for a product
that's so far from completion?  This is really appalling to me.  I'd
rather work for IBM than conduct myself the way SoftLogik has.  I'm
looking forward to getting the program, though.  It's a good thing I
don't really *need* laser-printer output from my Amiga; if I did, I'd
have gone to PageSetter Pro a long time ago.
-Mike Schwager				schwager@a.cs.uiuc.edu
-- {uunet,convex,pur-ee}!uiucdcs!schwager   schwager%uiuc@csnet-relay.arpa
	University of Illinois, Dept. of Computer Science
P.S. PageSetter and Pagestream are probably trademarks of their
respective corporations.  And I hate lawyers.  Why do regular ol' people
need to put these disclaimers in their notes?  The world keeps getting
sillier and sillier...

daves@hpcilzb.HP.COM (Dave Scroggins) (01/21/89)

/ hpcilzb:comp.sys.amiga / schwager@m.cs.uiuc.edu /  8:59 pm  Jan 17, 1989 /

> Well let's see -- it IS advertised in the Feb. edition of a major
> Amiga magazine as "Shipping Now!".
And last March they said that I could trade in my PageSetter disk + $55
for Publishing Partner Pro (now "PageStream"), but that I had to act
quick cuz the offer ended... what was it, May 1st?  I waited patiently
until last month, cuz they kept sending me little cards that said,
"Thanks for being patient, it's coming RSN!!"  One of 'em came in
November and said, "boy, are you PATIENT!!!" :-)  Just kidding.
Finally, I called 'em in December.  The guy on the phone said, "oh,
well, yeah... see, recently we kinda had a problem with the printer of the
manual, but we'll be shipping FOR SURE in early January."  I said, "Converting
from the Julian to the Soft-Logik calendar, that means it'll be here
around... hmmm.... January 20, right?"  To which the guy says, "Oh, no,
no, no... I'm sure you'll see it the first or second week of January.
No problem."  So I called 'em last week just to double check, and they
said "we're getting rid of some bugs... it'll be mid February."  So I
think  you bought your magazine a little early.

Anyway, the programmer showed me a demo of this thing at Chicago's
AmiExpo.  It really was neat, but I don't know how neat it was compared
to PageSetter Pro, since I don't have that.  You could draw objects,
then move 'em around over and through each other.  Blocks of text, too.
Resizing, rotating, cool stuff like that.
It was faster then regular PageSetter, but still needed work in the
speed department.  The programmer was confident they could get it to
scroll quickly.  

> I also got a couple of comments about demos of this package that basically
> said it was/will be the best Desk Top Publishing for the Amiga ever.
> To quote- "it will be the defininitive desktop publishing system for the
>            AMIGA."

The demo was indeed very impressive.  But what I want to know is: how could
any business person in their right mind start advertising for a product
that's so far from completion?  This is really appalling to me.  I'd
rather work for IBM than conduct myself the way SoftLogik has.  I'm
looking forward to getting the program, though.  It's a good thing I
don't really *need* laser-printer output from my Amiga; if I did, I'd
have gone to PageSetter Pro a long time ago.
-Mike Schwager				schwager@a.cs.uiuc.edu
-- {uunet,convex,pur-ee}!uiucdcs!schwager   schwager%uiuc@csnet-relay.arpa
	University of Illinois, Dept. of Computer Science
P.S. PageSetter and Pagestream are probably trademarks of their
respective corporations.  And I hate lawyers.  Why do regular ol' people
need to put these disclaimers in their notes?  The world keeps getting
sillier and sillier...

daves@hpcilzb.HP.COM (Dave Scroggins) (01/24/89)

The previous response was due to some weird hic-cup with the
net stuff here.

See in as how I'm not the admin. I have no idea what happened.


Dave S.

fyl@ssc.UUCP (Phil Hughes) (01/27/89)

Gee, you can read the same articles in this group as the Atari group :-)
I have been running Publishing Partner on the Atari ST for over 2 years.
I reported such bugs as "if you create a round cornered box of 0 size
you cannot delete it and it blows up a PostScript interpreter" and
"you don't have the required comments in your PostScript" two years ago.
Well, to make a depressing story short, they don't know if that have
fixed the first bug and I have heard that you can't even write PostScript
files to disk anymore so I guess that solves the second problem (we
use the ST and PP to produce PostScript files that we include in
UNIX created documents).

Anyway, I sent in the $50 for the upgrade last July +- a month, got
something that I broke within 5 minutes and wasn't compatible with
PP and came with no conversion utilities.  Don't hold your breath
waiting for SoftLogik to ship anything.

Now, the reason I am reading this group is I want to find out
about Professional Page.  At this point I would rather buy an Amiga
and a program that works if that exists.  We are serious users and don't
want to save $100 to get a dog.  Opinions would be appreciated.
Phil Hughes, SSC, Inc. P.O. Box 55549, Seattle, WA 98155  (206)FOR-UNIX
    uw-beaver!tikal!ssc!fyl or uunet!pilchuck!ssc!fyl or attmail!ssc!fyl

mike@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Mike Smithwick) (01/29/89)

In article <2030154@hpcilzb.HP.COM> daves@hpcilzb.HP.COM (Dave Scroggins) writes:
>/ hpcilzb:comp.sys.amiga / schwager@m.cs.uiuc.edu /  8:59 pm  Jan 17, 1989 /
>> Well let's see -- it IS advertised in the Feb. edition of a major
>> Amiga magazine as "Shipping Now!".
>And last March they said that I could trade in my PageSetter disk + $55
>for Publishing Partner Pro (now "PageStream"), but that I had to act
>quick cuz the offer ended... what was it, May 1st? 
>> I also got a couple of comments about demos of this package that basically
>> said it was/will be the best Desk Top Publishing for the Amiga ever.
>> To quote- "it will be the defininitive desktop publishing system for the
>>            AMIGA."
>The demo was indeed very impressive.  But what I want to know is: how could
>any business person in their right mind start advertising for a product
>that's so far from completion?  This is really appalling to me.  I'd
>rather work for IBM than conduct myself the way SoftLogik has. 

This reminds me of Shakespeare. Conceived in Jan (1987), advertised in
July, intended for release in, hmmmmm, lesee, September, yeah, that sounds
about right. Oops, some bugs, needs postscript, hey! Let's add some on
screen text editing, yeah. October, sure no sweat. Run them ads! Full page,
color? Why not, how bout 2, no 3, why not 4 color? Oops, 1.3 drivers? Faster
you say, sure, why not lets use them. Still in alpha stage? Oh, well, what's
another month. December, yeah it ships in December. Hey, these 1.3 drivers
still crash. What? you say it's January? Wasn't it January a year ago?
You expect to get paid? not until Shakespeare ships, probably around February 
or so. Memory management? What's that! Oh well, if THEY have it, we better.
Well, it's out. Crashes? What do you mean it crashes! Chief programmer quits?
Get Smithwick in here. What's that make, 11 programmers now? 
Hey mike, here are some more bugs, like your new
features. Oops, a bug is Leo's code. Got it. The Whiztronic drivers still
don't work. Advertise? We can't afford to advertise. Hey guys, you see the
reviews. "Great program if only it worked right!". Oh well. 14 hour debugging
days. I feel like a real programmer now. Don't even shave! Caligrapher bug
screwing up font loading. Damn! Thanks Carolyn. Drivers finally work! 
Multi-page issues don't guru. "Gee, this seems like an entirely different
program". Got rid of those ugly default colors. Big order from Europe.
"Hey Mike! I got house payments to make, how're the bugs coming?"
1.1 ships! Ahhh, blessed sleep! ZZZZzzzzzzz. . .  

1.1 reviews are in. "Say, now, this is a really nice program, and it works
to!". "Finest dot matrix output!"."I especially like those nice new little
features. . ."

And so ladies and germs, such is life in the glamorous world of commercial
software development.

I can sympathize with the Soft-Logik people, especially since they cashed
my check in September.

Mike, "I survived Shakespeare, and use it too!"
          *** mike (cerbral GURU, insert M&Ms to restart) smithwick***
"The great thing about standards is that there are so many of them!"

[disclaimer : nope, I don't work for NASA, I take full blame for my ideas]

ewhac@well.UUCP (Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab) (02/01/89)

In article <21163@ames.arc.nasa.gov> mike@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Mike Smithwick) writes:
>...Oops, a bug is [sic] Leo's code. Got it.  [ ... ]

	There are NO bugs in MY code.  There may, however, be any number of
undesireable features.

(-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Leo L. Schwab -- The Guy in The Cape	INET: well!ewhac@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU
 \_ -_		Recumbent Bikes:	UUCP: pacbell > !{well,unicom}!ewhac
O----^o	      The Only Way To Fly.	      hplabs / (pronounced "AE-wack")
"Work FOR?  I don't work FOR anybody!  I'm just having fun."  -- The Doctor