[comp.sys.amiga] ProDraw

jimm@amiga.UUCP (Jim Mackraz) (02/11/89)

Anyone buy a copy of Gold Disk's ProDraw yet?

I went in to buy it at HT, tried it first, and decided to wait for
recommendations.  I wonder:

1) Does the bezier drawing technique seem backwards to anyone else?  To
  draw a smooth curve, you must "backtrack" at each tangent point.  This
  is probably how Adobe Illustrator does it.

2) Is it true that you cannot yet import the files into ProPage?  Are there
  any other documented items that are not supported?  Does it really generate
  EPSF files?

3) Is its PostScript output "legal"?

4) Can you import drawings into TeX?

5) Am I missing something, or are they missing line patterns other than
  dash patterns?

6) Is it robust?  How's its memory usage?

7) How much are we paying, and where?

Thanks in advance.
Jim Mackraz, I and I Computing	   	"Like you said when we crawled down
{cbmvax,well,oliveb}!amiga!jimm          from the trees: We're in transition."
							- Gang of Four
Opinions are my own.  Comments are not to be taken as Commodore official policy.