[comp.sys.amiga] amigatex and memory

duncan@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Shan D Duncan) (02/12/89)

There is no doubt that the more memory one has the better "environment" one
can set up (programming, dtp, animation, amigatex etc.).  AmigaTeX WILL
run in 512 with two floppies but you must give up a few bells and whistles.

With 1 meg. the Latex macro set can be used but having the previewer and
the editor and Arexx gluing everything together is a tight fit but it
can be done:

-> Date: Tue, 7 Feb 89 17:19:14 -0800
-> From: Tomas G. Rokicki <rokicki@polya.Stanford.EDU>
-> I got mail from a fellow in the Netherlands who is actually running
-> LaTeX, preview, and an editor all at the same time on a 1M machine.
-> (He cuts the memory size of TeX down somewhat, and doesn't do large
-> files.)  I thought that was clever . . .

What I would like to point out is AmigaTeX is a VERY flexible system, the
more memory the more flexible (more bells and whistles).  Once it is set
up you'll never go back to the old way!  The Previewer is NICE -
automatically tracking a page and displaying it as soon as it is formatted,
woops error -  back to source and there it is!  ZOOOM/unzoom.  GREAT!!!

This is a true ENVIRONMENT one can live in to really use TeX  (even
whimps like myself that use latex with only a little understanding of the
underlying tex code :-) :-)  )

Many thanks Tom!