[comp.sys.amiga] 1.3 memory munching

jdp@caleb.UUCP (Jim Pritchett) (03/03/89)

I recently updated my B2000 system to 1.3 Dos and uucp v0.41.  Since then,
I have experienced a gradual erosion of my available memory.  Within 2 or 3
days, my available memory decreases to near 0.  Since this never happened
under 1.2 DOS, I suspect some incompatibility of my software configuration
with 1.3 DOS.  Further, since the memory 'lost' mostly occurs while the system
is doing 'nothing', I suspect the cron program that I am using.  I am using
the AmigaCron program provided in the uucp V0.41 distribution.  Here are the
comments from the source file:

 * Public Domain (p) by S. R. Sampson
 * Version 2.3, October 1987
 * Amiga port by Rick Schaeffer October 1987
 * Rick Schaeffer          UUCP:  seismo!uunet!iscuva!ricks!ricks
 * E. 13611 26th Ave.      Phone: (509)928-3533
 * Spokane, WA  99216

 * Moved the defines for CRONERR & CRONTAB to config.h for use with the
 * Amiga UUCP/UseNet project. Also added checking of ^C with an exit routine.
 * Dan "Sneakers" Schein    11/22/1988

Has anyone else had this problem?  In case I am totally wrong, here is my

    B2000, StarBoard w/ 2 Meg, A2090, Miniscribe 8051S, Miniscribe 8325?

    1.3 DOS, ConMan 1.1, Dmouse 1.10, MWB, AmigaCron, uucp v0.41, uupc v1.0
    1.3 SetPatch, FF, FastMemFirst

Yes, I use BOTH uupc and uucp.  I use uupc to actually transmit and receive
files and news.  Then I use uucp for everything else.  The reasons for this
strange approach are twofold.  First, uupc seems to be much faster.  Second,
uucp has an annoying habit of deleting the received files whenever anything
goes wrong.  I plan to customize uucp a bit, but I haven't had time to finish
converting it to Manx C yet.

I hope that someone out there in net.land has already solved this problem,
otherwise, I'll have to figure it out the hard way.



                                         Jim Pritchett

                                         UUCP:  killer!gtmvax!dms3b1!caleb!jdp