[net.general] grouplist

curts@sri-unix (11/18/82)

Some time ago, I regularly submitted a list of newsgroups to the net. Each 
entry to this list contained a brief summary of the purpose of that group. 
I had to stop, when I found myself too busy to keep up. Now, I am going to
try to maintain the list again.

I would also like to apologize to those people that sent me requests for a
list and did not recieve a reply. I kept thinking that I would be able to
start again *next week*. However, as some of you may have noticed, *next week* 
always seems to remain seven days away.

Anyway, the following text contains the *old* list. This list is probably very 
much outdated. If you are an active participant in any group that is not 
listed or if you are certain that a group is defunct, please send me your
corrections. My address is at the end of the list.


The following text contains an updated list of newsgroups. Currently, these
newsgroups have two formats, as follows: 

  fa.x  - These newsgroups are digests "from the arpanet". Material for a
          digest should be mailed to the "editor" at a specific site rather 
          than sent directly to the newsgroup. For example, to post an article
          to fa.human-nets, you would mail your material to x!ucbvax!human-nets
          (where x is your own route to !ucbvax). Refer to the source address
          of other digests for information on where to submit material. 

  net.x - These newsgroups are intended to be available to everyone on the 
          network. This does not mean they go to every machine, since some 
          site managers must restrict the volume of news that comes in. 

          A new newsgroup may be created by simply posting material to the 
          net under a new newsgroup name. However, THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED! 
          There are limits to the number of newsgroups that can be supported
          by the net. If you wish to send material to the net, first try to 
          find an established newsgroup that deals with a subject related to
          that material. If there is no appropriate newsgroup, suggest the 
          creation of a new group via net.news.group. Usually, there will be 
          enough feedback to establish whether there is an audience for the 
          subject that you would like to discuss. 

  NEWSGROUP     | Description

 fa.arms-d      | Discussion and info - strategic weapons.

 fa.arpa-bboard | Announcements that are posted to all arpanet bboards

 fa.digest-p    | Discussion and info - creation and maintenance of digests. 

 fa.editor-p    | Discussion and info - text and program editors.       

 fa.energy      | Discussion and info - alternate energy and conservation. 

 fa.human-nets  | Discussion and info - computer-aided communications. 

 fa.info-cpm    | Discussion and info - CP/M operating systems and software. 

 fa.info-micro  | Discussions and info - personal/micro computers. 

 fa.info-terms  | Opinions/queries about computer terminals.

 fa.info-vax    | VAX interest group - VMS issues and hardware discussion.

 fa.poli-sci    | Political Science discussions digest.

 fa.sf-lovers   | Science Fiction book/movie reviews, etc.

 fa.space       | Discussion and info - space programs and sciences.         

 fa.tcp-ip      | Digest relating to the TCP and IP network protocols.

 fa.telecom     | Technical material on telecommunications & telephone system.

 fa.teletext    | Digest on teletext, viewdata, closed-captioning, digicasting.

 fa.unix-cpm    | Digest of CPM/UNIX discussions.

 fa.works       | Personal workstations (e.g. Apollo, Perq,  Xerox Star ect.)


 net.general    | General information.

 net.applic     | Info - applicative language and related architecture. 

 net.auto       | General Information for automobile owners.

 net.auto.vw    | Subgroup net.auto - for owners of Volkswagon Rabbits.

 net.aviation   | General information about aviation. 

 net.bugs       | Genreral information about bug reports and fixes. 

 net.bugs.2bsd  | Subgroup net.bugs - 2nd Berkley Software distribution

 net.bugs.4bsd  | Subgroup net.bugs - 4th Berkley software distribution

 net.bugs.v7    | Subgroup net.bugs - Version 7 or UNIX System III 

 net.columbia   | General information on space shuttle and space programs

 net.cooks      | Interest group - food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.

 net.cycle      | General information about motorcycles.

 net.dcom       | data communication - modems,multiplexers,port selectors etc.  

 net.eunice     | Info on sites using SRI Eunice - simulates UNIX on VMS 

 net.games      | Information and discussion on computer games.

 net.games.emp  | Subgroup net.games - empire

 net.games.frp  | Subgroup net.games - fantasy role playing games

 net.games.rog  | (net.games.rogue) Subgroup net.games - rogue

 net.games.triv | (net.games.trivia) Trivia contests and results.

 net.ham-radio  | Topics of interest to amateur radio operators.

 net.invest     | Information and discussion about investments.

 net.jokes      | The latest "good" joke you've heard?

 net.lan        | Local area network interest group.

 net.lsi        | Large Scale Integrated Circuit discussions.

 net.misc       | Discussions not permanent enough for a newsgroup.

 net.movies     | Movie reviews by members of USENET.

 net.music      | Computer generated music.

 net.news       | Discussion of netnews itself.

 net.news.b     | Subgroup net.news - specific to bnews.

 net.news.direc | (net.news.directory) all or part of the USENET directory

 net.news.group | for discussions about proposed new newsgroups.

 net.news.map   | for discussions about maps of newsites.

 net.news.newsi | (net.news.newsite) to announce a new site.

 net.news       | for discussion of USENET policies. 

 net.oa         | Office Automation/Word Processing interest group.

 net.physics    | Information and discussion of physics.

 net.periphs    | Queries and discussions about particular peripherals.

 net.rec        | Gereral info on recreational (participation) sports.

 net.rec.bridge | Subgroup of net.rec - contract bridge.

 net.rec.scuba  | Subgroup of net.rec - scuba diving.

 net.rec.ski    | Subgroup of net.rec - skiing.

 net.records    | Info and opinions about records (and tapes ?).

 net.rumor      | For posting of rumors.

 net.sources    | For large volume material, source distribution 

 net.space      | Space programs and research, gatewayed to fa.space 

 net.sport      | General info about spectator sports.

 net.sport.base | (net.sport.baseball) Subgroup of net.sport - for baseball.

 net.sport.foot | (net.sport.football) Subgroup of net.sport - for football.

 net.sport.hock | (net.sport.hockey) Subgroup of net.sport - for hockey.  

 net.taxes      | Tax advice and queries.

 net.test       | Test messages are posted here.

 net.travel     | Requests, suggestions, and opinions about traveling 

 net.ucds       | Circuit drawing system.

 net.wines      | Info and reccomendations about wines and alcoholic beverages. 

 net.unix-wiza  | (net.unix-wizards) Discussion of UNIX - gatewayed to ARPANET. 


If you have additions, corrections, or suggestions, please send them to me

Curt Stephens

Beaverton, Oregon, USA

	UUCP:	...!{ucbvax or decvax}!teklabs!tekmdp!curts
	CSNET:	tekmdp!curts @ tektronix
	ARPA:	tekmdp!curts.tektronix @ rand-relay