[comp.sys.amiga] arp CD command change???

gmg@hcx.uucp (Greg M. Garner) (02/07/89)

Would it be possible to make the arp 1.3 CD command recognize the unix
directory names .. and . ?  I would like to see the cd command go to 
the parent directory anytime it saw a file name ..   I realize that 
this may seem like a kludge, but it could even check for a real 
directory called .. before using the parent dir name. Since the arp
commands all use the arp.library, it seems to me that all the commands
(list, etc) could implement the .. stuff. Some rules that spring to 
mind are:

1) If .. is specified, see if a .. file for directory exists. If it does
   not, expand this into the / command. 

2) If the path name is specified as ../name, then remove the .. 
   giving the desired action.

3) if the . is specified by itself, then replace this with "" 
   (or whatever is needed to make the dos stay in the same

4) If the path name is specified as ./name, then remove the 
   ./ giving the desired action. 

Does anyone else like this idea? I really like the way arp works now
with the *? wildcards, but I would like to see the above stuff added,
If this didn't introduce other problems I haven't thought about. 
There are two reasons I would like to see this, one being that I am
used to doing .. in unix, and two being that some make files from the
unix world have the ../name construct embedded in them.
What do you think?

  Greg Garner
  gmg@hcx.uucp   USENET: ...!uunet!harris.cis.ksu.edu!hcx!gmg

jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) (02/13/89)

In article <1769@cveg.uucp> gmg@hcx.uucp (Greg M. Garner) writes:
>Would it be possible to make the arp 1.3 CD command recognize the unix
>directory names .. and . ?

PLEASE!!!  I rate the use of : for root directory, / for parent
directory and "" for current directory as a leading contender for
the worst Amiga feature (right up there with the bizarre wildcards).
It makes as much sense as the MSDOS use of \ for a pathname seperator.

Although I know the overwhelming weight of "existing stuff" seems to
preclude this, I would really like to see AmigaDOS adopt sane filename
and path naming conventions.  (My wish for 1.4. :-)

perley@trub.steinmetz (Donald P Perley) (02/13/89)

In article <789@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu> jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) writes:
>In article <1769@cveg.uucp> gmg@hcx.uucp (Greg M. Garner) writes:
>>Would it be possible to make the arp 1.3 CD command recognize the unix
>>directory names .. and . ?
>PLEASE!!!  I rate the use of : for root directory, / for parent
>directory and "" for current directory as a leading contender for
>the worst Amiga feature (right up there with the bizarre wildcards).
>It makes as much sense as the MSDOS use of \ for a pathname seperator.
>Although I know the overwhelming weight of "existing stuff" seems to
>preclude this, I would really like to see AmigaDOS adopt sane filename
>and path naming conventions.  (My wish for 1.4. :-)

Try a shell.  At least one commercial one (Tshell) lets you use 
unix file name conventions including .. for parent directory and
/ for root directory (thats file system root, not just for that drive).
Disk drives and assignments are like partitions on the root directory,
so c:whatever can be referenced as /c/whatever.

Of course that only helps in cases where the shell gets to interpret the
name (command lines and shell scripts).  

-don perley

dillon@POSTGRES.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) (02/14/89)

:In article <1769@cveg.uucp> gmg@hcx.uucp (Greg M. Garner) writes:
:>Would it be possible to make the arp 1.3 CD command recognize the unix
:>directory names .. and . ?
:PLEASE!!!  I rate the use of : for root directory, / for parent
		^ hate, I assume

:directory and "" for current directory as a leading contender for
:the worst Amiga feature (right up there with the bizarre wildcards).
:It makes as much sense as the MSDOS use of \ for a pathname seperator.
:Although I know the overwhelming weight of "existing stuff" seems to
:preclude this, I would really like to see AmigaDOS adopt sane filename
:and path naming conventions.  (My wish for 1.4. :-)

	When I first began programming on the Amiga, I had these same
feelings, but after using it for a while (and also using UNIX systems
extensively for many years), I find I like the Amiga filesystem
naming conventions better.  NOT the wildcards though (I agree with you
there); Those are not a function of the filesystem anyway, but of the BCPL

	'/' for parent directory is much more efficient than '../', ""
for the current directory is likewise more intuitive.  I never did like
the fact that UNIX directories contained '.' and '..' (what a hack!).  As
far as using ':' for the root of the current volume, that is also an
intuitive extension of the multiple-volume system considering that '/'
is already taken to mean parent directory.


cosell@bbn.com (Bernie Cosell) (02/14/89)

In article <8902131846.AA21527@postgres.Berkeley.EDU> dillon@POSTGRES.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) writes:
}:In article <1769@cveg.uucp> gmg@hcx.uucp (Greg M. Garner) writes:
}:>Would it be possible to make the arp 1.3 CD command recognize the unix
}:>directory names .. and . ?
}:directory and "" for current directory as a leading contender for
}:the worst Amiga feature (right up there with the bizarre wildcards).
}	When I first began programming on the Amiga, I had these same
}feelings, but after using it for a while (and also using UNIX systems
}extensively for many years), I find I like the Amiga filesystem
}naming conventions better.  NOT the wildcards though (I agree with you
}there); Those are not a function of the filesystem anyway, but of the BCPL

I agree with your comments about '.' and '..' wholeheartedly (and was
about to post a similar followup when I saw yours).  BUT.. I think
you've missed it with the wildcards.  The UNIX 'wildcard standard' is
just plain cretinous.  You might ask why UNIX files follow an
unbelivably cramped and unnatural 'extension' scheme .  The primary
answer is that because of the DUMB wildcard facility, you could not
easily pick up all of the object files if the extension was a
reasonable ".REL", or check out all the libraries if they were ".LIB"
(whereas "*.o" and "*.a" _does_ work).  It is a *real* loser that UNIX
doesn't support full regular expressions in its filename matching.
Now, if you're arguing that "#?" is common enough that it deserves some
simple (= one-char) abbreviation, I could go with that, but even
HINTING that UNIX's hopelessly limited scheme ought to be the exemplar
is misguided, IMHO.

If you wanted *my* wish for the 1.4 filesystem, I'd really like both hard-
and sym-links.  In fact, that mostly would make the '..' problem go away: you
could just do "link -s / .." in any directory you care about (or make
'makedir' be an alias to do that for you automatically, which is **ALL** that
unix does.  '.' and '..' are ***NOT*** built inot the kernel!! --- with a bit
of hackery, you can *remove* the '..' entry from a directory and everything
works just fine, except that .. out of THAT directory doesn't!).

  /  )                              Bernie Cosell
 /--<  _  __  __   o _              BBN Sys & Tech, Cambridge, MA 02238
/___/_(<_/ (_/) )_(_(<_             cosell@bbn.com

deven@pawl.rpi.edu (Deven Corzine) (02/14/89)

I still find some definite problems with the AmigaDOS method of file
system structuring.  I find "." and ".." far easier to use
effectively, even if they are more to type.  "" as current directory
is obnoxious, if you ask me.  There is no easy equivilent for "./file"
under AmigaDOS...  "file" isn't the same thing; maybe you want to
force use of the file in the current directory, and not search any
sort of a path.  (Path searching should never be done on pathnames,
only on basenames...)  You can't use '""/file' or '"/file"' or '/file'
because they all refer to the file in the parent directory.  I suppose
"current directory/file" would probably work, but that's a rather
horrible kludge itself, and far far more inconvenient to type than
./file is.  (You CAN, for example do 'list "current directory"' to get
a listing of the current directory.  weirdness.)

Hence, I'd much rather have . and .., with / as root.  A viable option
is to provide both filenaming conventions, selectable by configuring
an environment variable. (preferably not global) 

I don't understand at all the objection to Unix wildcards.  Both the
Bourne shell and C-Shell support somewhat more complex wildcards than
the simple ? and * characters.  Certainly on par with AmigaDOS's
wildcards.  In addition, the wildcards are expanded in the shell, and
can therefore be used consistently, not just where the programmer
decided to let you use wildcards.

I strongly agree with the need for symlinks and hard links in
AmigaDOS.  Hard links, at least.  As a point of note, Unix does NOT
make a symbolic link to the parent directory under "..".  By no means.
".." is a HARD link to the parent directory, and "." is a HARD link to
the current directory.  As such, "." is literally a subdirectory,
though it is self-referential.

And, um, excuse me, but if you think Unix wildcards are so limited
that they can only handle "*.o" and "*.a" and not "*.REL" or "*.LIB"
then you are a complete bozo.  First off, Unix conventionally uses
lower case, and the entire philosophy behind Unix supports effeciency
and keeping things short and simple.  (Granted, SysV and BSD 4.3, et
al. are somewhat larger than they perhaps ought to be.  But the idea
remains.)  This applies in part to filenames, mostly to save typing
and to be consistent.  Just because object files in Unix are normally
such as "file.o" doesn't mean you couldn't use "file.obj" as well;
it's just more to type, while .o is quite enough of a suffix to make
it clear what type of file it is.  A .obj extension might be handy for
a neophyte who is unfamiliar with Unix, but merely hampers experienced
users unnecessarily.  Unix is harder to learn than many operating
systems because of its terseness, but many people find they like it
much better once they get used to it.  I certainly do.

Next time, please get your facts straight before flaming as fine an
operating system as Unix is.  Or hold your flames.

------- shadow@pawl.rpi.edu ------- Deven Thomas Corzine ---------------------
Cogito  shadow@acm.rpi.edu          2346 15th Street            Pi-Rho America
ergo    userfxb6@rpitsmts.bitnet    Troy, NY 12180-2306         (518) 272-5847
sum...     In the immortal words of Socrates:  "I drank what?"     ...I think.

bader+@andrew.cmu.edu (Miles Bader) (02/15/89)

jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) writes:
> PLEASE!!!  I rate the use of : for root directory, / for parent
> directory and "" for current directory as a leading contender for
> the worst Amiga feature (right up there with the bizarre wildcards).
> It makes as much sense as the MSDOS use of \ for a pathname seperator.

I didn't like when I got my amiga either-- I was very used to unix.
But now I find that it's actually a lot easier to use ('cause you you
only need one character to go up a level).  MsDos's '\' IS stupid
because the '\' is hard to type on ibm keyboards.

> Although I know the overwhelming weight of "existing stuff" seems to
> preclude this, I would really like to see AmigaDOS adopt sane filename
> and path naming conventions.  (My wish for 1.4. :-)

I think you're mistaking "sane" with "familiar"...

I wouldn't be surprised if by the time 1.4 comes out you won't care
anymore anyway...


bader+@andrew.cmu.edu (Miles Bader) (02/15/89)

cosell@bbn.com (Bernie Cosell) writes:
> The UNIX 'wildcard standard' is
> just plain cretinous.  You might ask why UNIX files follow an
> unbelivably cramped and unnatural 'extension' scheme .  The primary
> answer is that because of the DUMB wildcard facility, you could not
> easily pick up all of the object files if the extension was a
> reasonable ".REL", or check out all the libraries if they were ".LIB"
> (whereas "*.o" and "*.a" _does_ work).  It is a *real* loser that UNIX
> doesn't support full regular expressions in its filename matching.

What on earth do the extensions used for object (of COURSE, .rel
stands for "object!") and archive files have to do with wildcards?
*.rel and *.lib work just the same as *.o & *.a.

> If you wanted *my* wish for the 1.4 filesystem, I'd really like both hard-
> and sym-links.  In fact, that mostly would make the '..' problem go away: you
> could just do "link -s / .." in any directory you care about (or make
> 'makedir' be an alias to do that for you automatically, which is **ALL** that
> unix does.  '.' and '..' are ***NOT*** built inot the kernel!! --- with a bit
> of hackery, you can *remove* the '..' entry from a directory and everything
> works just fine, except that .. out of THAT directory doesn't!).

Definitely.  Symlinks for 1.4 (pretty please...)!


brant@uf.msc.umn.edu (Gary Brant) (02/15/89)

[eat this]

In article <cXy91wy00Uka8KLdxB@andrew.cmu.edu> bader+@andrew.cmu.edu (Miles Bader) writes:
>jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright) writes:
>> PLEASE!!!  I rate the use of : for root directory, / for parent
>> directory and "" for current directory as a leading contender for
>> the worst Amiga feature (right up there with the bizarre wildcards).
>I think you're mistaking "sane" with "familiar"...

As a sysnonym for the current directory, "" is an abomination.  It must be
escaped multiple times to get it past shells, source-level debuggers, etc.
Using . would be at the same time familiar and sane.  Arguments over whether
the parent should be .. or / and whether the root should be : or / are of
little interes; either is usable.  However we *NEED* a sane synonym for
the current directory.  This is non-negotiable; "" MUST go.

-Gary Brant		ARPA: brant@uf.msc.umn.edu

#include <std/disclaimer.h>

peter@sugar.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (02/15/89)

A dissenting view...

[Matt Dillon prefers Amiga file naming conventions and hates the wildcards]

I prefer the Amiga wildcards... they're a more complete regular expression
syntax than UNIX's... but the file naming conventions are very hard to deal
with. UNIX file names with an optional prepended device name would have been
better. Best would be something like:


I'm currently using a network that uses this convention for remote file
systems. It works rather well.

[The original poster thinks the Amiga file names are the worst part of Amiga

No, the gross misbehaviour of the Execute() call is.
Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva  `-_-'  Hackercorp.
...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net      'U`

peter@sugar.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (02/15/89)

In article <35960@bbn.COM>, cosell@bbn.com (Bernie Cosell) writes:
> You might ask why UNIX files follow an
> unbelivably cramped and unnatural 'extension' scheme.

Because the system was designed on 110-baud teletypes.

> The primary
> answer is that because of the DUMB wildcard facility, you could not
> easily pick up all of the object files if the extension was a
> reasonable ".REL", or check out all the libraries if they were ".LIB"
> (whereas "*.o" and "*.a" _does_ work).

So does *.REL and *.LIB. I really don't see what point you're making
here. Personally I prefer to either say '.o' and '.a', or go all out
and say '.relocatable' and '.library'. What's so special about 3 uppercase

>  It is a *real* loser that UNIX
> doesn't support full regular expressions in its filename matching.

Yes, but the example you gave above doesn't demonstrate this.
Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva  `-_-'  Hackercorp.
...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net      'U`

crooks@ingr.com (Steve Crooks) (02/16/89)

In article <35960@bbn.COM> cosell@BBN.COM (Bernie Cosell) writes:
>You might ask why UNIX files follow an
>unbelivably cramped and unnatural 'extension' scheme .  The primary
>answer is that because of the DUMB wildcard facility, you could not
>easily pick up all of the object files if the extension was a
>reasonable ".REL", or check out all the libraries if they were ".LIB"
	     ^^^^                                                ^^^^
>(whereas "*.o" and "*.a" _does_ work).

Why couldn't you just say "*.REL" or "*.LIB"?  I find that with combinations
of ?, *, and [] that I have no problem matching with wildcards.
--Steve Crooks			...uunet!ingr!crooks!crooks    (UUCP)
				crooks!crooks@ingr.com         (Internet)

peter@sugar.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (02/16/89)

In article <DEVEN.89Feb14055924@daniel.pawl.rpi.edu>, deven@pawl.rpi.edu (Deven Corzine) writes:
> I don't understand at all the objection to Unix wildcards.  Both the
> Bourne shell and C-Shell support somewhat more complex wildcards than
> the simple ? and * characters.  Certainly on par with AmigaDOS's
> wildcards.

Not so. You can't, in UNIX wildcards, specify "all .o or .s files starting
with "uk", "can", or "us", and an optional ".z". (the cshell bracket syntax
is not a wildcard syntax... it's expanded before the wildcards are applied).
On the Amiga you can specify:


The cshell (but not the bourne shell) will allow:


But some results of {...,..} are surprising...

> In addition, the wildcards are expanded in the shell, and
> can therefore be used consistently, not just where the programmer
> decided to let you use wildcards.

This is nice, but an orthogonal issue.

> I strongly agree with the need for symlinks and hard links in
> AmigaDOS.  Hard links, at least.  As a point of note, Unix does NOT
> make a symbolic link to the parent directory under "..".  By no means.

Symlinks would be easier, I think.
Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva  `-_-'  Hackercorp.
...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net      'U`

lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) (02/17/89)

In <DEVEN.89Feb14055924@daniel.pawl.rpi.edu>, deven@pawl.rpi.edu (Deven Corzine) writes:
 >....  There is no easy equivilent for "./file"
 >under AmigaDOS...  "file" isn't the same thing; maybe you want to
 >force use of the file in the current directory, and not search any
 >sort of a path.  (Path searching should never be done on pathnames,
 >only on basenames...)  You can't use '""/file' or '"/file"' or '/file'
 >because they all refer to the file in the parent directory.  I suppose
 >"current directory/file" would probably work, but that's a rather
 >horrible kludge itself, and far far more inconvenient to type than
 >./file is.  (You CAN, for example do 'list "current directory"' to get
 >a listing of the current directory.  weirdness.)

But "file" _is_ the same thing, only a lot more intuitive and shorter.  Paths
are searched _after_ the current directory, not before.

 >Next time, please get your facts straight before flaming as fine an
 >operating system as Unix is.  Or hold your flames.

It's always a good idea to get your facts straight, no matter which OS you are
knocking, wouldn't you agree?


Frisbeetarianism: The belief that when you die, your soul goes up on
                  the roof and gets stuck.
|   //   Larry Phillips                                                |
| \X/    lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca or uunet!van-bc!lpami!lphillips  |
|        COMPUSERVE: 76703,4322                                        |

ditto@cbmvax.UUCP (Michael "Ford" Ditto) (02/18/89)

In article <3439@sugar.uu.net> peter@sugar.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
>In article <DEVEN.89Feb14055924@daniel.pawl.rpi.edu>, deven@pawl.rpi.edu (Deven Corzine) writes:
 [ says Unix wild cards are just as good as AmigaDos's ]
>Not so. You can't, in UNIX wildcards, specify "all .o or .s files starting
>with "uk", "can", or "us", and an optional ".z".

Yes, you can, and this is an example of the flexibility of expanding
wildcards in the shell and passing them to programs as separate args:

	uk*.[os] can*.[os] us*.[os] uk*.[os].z can*.[os].z us*.[os].z

>On the Amiga you can specify:
>	(uk|can|us)#?.(o|s)(|.z)

In this example, the Amiga syntax is certainly more consice and easier
to understand, but there are examples that go the other way as well.
For example, suppose you want to specify just the files foo, bar, and
baz.  In bourne shell syntax it's

	foo bar baz

but in AmigaDos syntax you have to type


which results in an undesired directory search, and many AmigaDos
programs won't let you extend the above extension arbitrarily.  I
remember one time I was trying to copy several particular files from
sys:c to ram:c and the AmigaDos copy command would only copy the
first five matching files when I used the above syntax.  I had to
use multiple copy commands to get it done.  This was partially
because of a bug in that particular command's wildcard expander
(which has been fixed, I beleive), but was compounded by the fact
that most AmigaDos programs will only accept ONE single (possibly
wildcard) argument as their file list.

Here are some examples of things that just CAN'T be done with
AmigaDos wildcards:

	dir1/foo dir2/bar dir3/baz
	dir1/foo dir2/foo dir3/foo
	(and similar constructs using device/assign names rather
	 than directories.)

>> In addition, the wildcards are expanded in the shell, [ ... ]
>This is nice, but an orthogonal issue.

I disagree, it is a closely related issue, and certainly a more
significant one.  AmigaDos wildcard syntax is more general than that
of Unix shells, but because it can only be used in more limited ways,
it is less useful.  AmigaDos wildcard "features" can be emulated on
Unix, but not vice-versa.  And on Unix it would take 5 minutes to
modify the shell to use AmigaDos wildcard syntax and everything would
work.  Each user can choose a shell that uses the preferred syntax.
					-=] Ford [=-

"The number of Unix installations	(In Real Life:  Mike Ditto)
has grown to 10, with more expected."	ford@kenobi.cts.com
- The Unix Programmer's Manual,		...!sdcsvax!crash!kenobi!ford
  2nd Edition, June, 1972.		ditto@cbmvax.commodore.com

peter@sugar.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (02/19/89)

Yes, you're right, having the shell do the wildcard expansion is superior.
I never said anything else. BUT, given that, the Amiga wildcard *syntax* is
a superset of the UNIX one. If you're going to write a shell for the Amiga,
or do anything else, PLEASE use the Amiga syntax. That way you get the best
of both worlds...
Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva  `-_-'  Hackercorp.
...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net      'U`

rusty@hocpa.UUCP (M.W.HADDOCK) (02/22/89)

In article <35960@bbn.COM> cosell@BBN.COM (Bernie Cosell) writes:
   >I agree with your comments about '.' and '..' wholeheartedly (and was
   >about to post a similar followup when I saw yours).  BUT..  I think
   >you've missed it with the wildcards.  The UNIX 'wildcard standard' is
   >just plain cretinous.  You might ask why UNIX files follow an

It's not Unix per se just the shells so blame the [Unix] shell writers out
there.  Maybe the next new one will contain more regex parsing.  Still, if
you have the csh (or a derivative) or the ksh you've got the square
brackets, [], though not just like egrep uses in that you can say

	ls [a-z]*[ab]

The shell would catch "aa" or "n123b" but, unlike egrep(1), it wouldn't
catch the filenames "b" or "a" now would it?

        And let's not forget the Curly Sisters, left { and right }, have
been quite useful to me with the csh.  Also, how would ^ and $ be used in
parsing filenames???  If you say beginning and end of the filenames you
already have it, albeit implicitly.

        All in all, I can live with the Unix shells' wildcards if you at
least give me them Square Boys, [ & ]. The thing I don't like is the varying
degrees to which regex is used.  "awk"'s list is different from "ed"'s which
is a subset of "vi" (some more modern versions of vi have + notation, which
means 1 or more of the prefixed regex which has been more than handy) all
the way "up" to GnuEmacs which has still more if not all known regex

        I think I'd die if even just one itsy-bitsy, eeney-weeny portion of
this world started becoming consistent with itself.  [Heavy sigh.....]

Rusty Haddock		{uunet!likewise,att,arpa}!hocpa!rusty
AT&T Consumer Products Laboratories - Human Factors Laboratory
Holmdel, New Joyzey 07733   (201) 834-1023  rusty@hocpa.att.com
** Genius may have its limitations but stupidity is not thus handicapped.

greg@ncr-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Greg Noel) (02/23/89)

In article <3434@sugar.uu.net> peter@sugar.uu.net (Peter da Silva) presents
a dissenting view to Matt Dillon's prefered Amiga file naming conventions:
>.... UNIX file names with an optional prepended device name would have been
>better. Best would be something like:
>	//dev/path/file

Obviously, this is a religious issue, but I think an even better syntax
could be borrowed from MIT's Project Athena, where they have a problem of
potentially thousands of file systems that can be attached.  The syntax
could be:
that is, a device (or ASSIGN name) would have a leading squiggle, and the
example would be equivalent to dev:path/file.  It's only one character
longer and finesses many of the other syntax problems -- for example, to
add a file name to a directory component, even if it is a device, just add
a slash and the file name: "~dev" + "/" + "file" ==> "~dev/file" or
"~dev/dir" + "/" + "file" ==> "~dev/dir/file".  A file name beginning with
a slash is relative to the current device; that is, "/a/path/name" is
equivalent to "~curdev/a/path/name."  It's simple and uniform.

I won't argue whether Unix's "." and ".." should be used, although I do
prefer them.  I do think that "" for the current directory is not the
best possible -- is ""/file a legal name?  (I don't think so.)
-- Greg Noel, NCR Rancho Bernardo   Greg.Noel@SanDiego.NCR.COM  or  greg@ncr-sd

w-colinp@microsoft.UUCP (Colin Plumb) (02/24/89)

greg@ncr-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Greg Noel) wrote:
> Obviously, this is a religious issue, but I think an even better syntax
> could be borrowed from MIT's Project Athena, where they have a problem of
> potentially thousands of file systems that can be attached.  The syntax
> could be:
>        ~dev/path/file
> that is, a device (or ASSIGN name) would have a leading squiggle, and the
> example would be equivalent to dev:path/file.

How is ~dev better than dev:?  The / vs. .. argument is independent.

I have a paper here that's relavent, although I don't know where it comes
from.  Page 563 of something.

"The Hideous Name" - Rob Pike & P.J. Weinberger, AT&T Bell Labs.


	-Carnegie-Mellon University mailer

I cannot tell what the dickens his name is.
	- Shakespeare, Merry Wives of Windsor, II. ii. 20.

They talk about the things that go in the Unix file name space - files
(/u/colin/foo), devices (/dev/tty), processes (/proc/01234), faces
(/n/face/research/pjw), connections to other processes (/dev/pt/pt04),
and synonyms for other files (/dev/stdin).  The latter lets the programmer
forget about the - convention for file names.  The last 4 are new to
the Eighth Edition and more recent unices.

The problem with different syntax for differnt parts of a name is that
standard tools don't work so well.  And that you can easily create things
that are syntax errors.  E.g. on the IBIS remote file system on 4.2BSD
systems, you can use the ucbvax:file syntax.  Okay, now whose shell
can handle *:file?  The eighth edition uses /n/ucbvax/file, and so
/n/*/file is easy to understand.  Or what about ucbvax:kremvax:file?
Is this a syntax error, a request to talk to machine "ucbvax:kremvax", or
a request for forwarding?

They also roast RFC 822 and RFC 882 pretty thoroughly.  "No one pays any
attention to the standard as long as the software keeps delivering mail.
This means that a mail transmitting program in practice must understand the
details of local names outside its domain, to the extent that constructing a
network mailer is a research topic in heuristic programming."

I think the idea of mounting devices on each other is one of the great things
Unix brought to the world.
	-Colin (uunet!microsoft!w-colinp)

"Don't listen to me.  I never do."

greg@ncr-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Greg Noel) (02/25/89)

In article <731@microsoft.UUCP> w-colinp@microsoft.uucp (Colin Plumb) writes:
>How is ~dev better than dev:?  The / vs. .. argument is independent.

Consistancy.  Pathname components are separated by a slash.  Always.  Fully-
specified path names begin with a squiggle.  Always.  For programming, there
are fewer special cases or other corner cases that must be handled (such as
C:/foo being illegal -- or is it?).  Think of it as forest of filesystem
trees, where the top-level "directory" is the current list of indirections.

And for people who use csh, ksh, or later Bourne shells, the notation is
intuitive, as the same syntax is used there for indirection (although the
indirection is through the password file on the login name, of course).

And, indeed, the / v. .. issue (I hope we're not arguing!) is somewhat
orthogonal, although the consistancy principle implies that multiple
slashes should be equivalent, else they become another special case.  (But
I can see how the rules would work; I'd just find them a little more
complicated -- personal preference, again.)  I could live with either;
I'd rather not have to live with both -- my fingers keep forgetting on
which system I'm typing.....

>"The Hideous Name" - Rob Pike & P.J. Weinberger, AT&T Bell Labs.
>	-Carnegie-Mellon University mailer

This is a mixed-mode mail address, not really relevant to the issue of
file naming conventions.  But it is a good example of how "simple"
interactions can trip you up.

>The problem with different syntax for differnt parts of a name is that
>standard tools don't work so well.  ....  the ucbvax:file syntax.  Okay,
>now whose shell can handle *:file?  ....

This is my point.  Separating the components with a slash buys consistancy.
If the top-level "directory" looks enough like a real directory to a program
it may not even need to be aware of the difference.

Passing comment: As soon as UUCP/USENET get translated into Aztec C (or
a portable subset), I'm planning to add this syntax to the transfer format.
It's actually what's documented for UUCP transfers, and it will keep our
HoneyDanBer UUCP from being too helpful and mangling the path names....
-- Greg Noel, NCR Rancho Bernardo   Greg.Noel@SanDiego.NCR.COM  or  greg@ncr-sd

peter@sugar.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (02/26/89)

In article <731@microsoft.UUCP>, w-colinp@microsoft.UUCP (Colin Plumb) writes:
> I think the idea of mounting devices on each other is one of the great things
> Unix brought to the world.

OS/9 took the idea to heart, though the developers wanted people to specify
the device a file was on, as AmigaDOS does.

Very simple syntax:


There was also a "/dev" pseudo device for character style devices.

The "root" file system was not "really" there. The only problem you have
with this is you can't say "the root of the current device".

In practice, "//" as the "superroot" works ok.
Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva  `-_-'  Hackercorp.
...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter@sugar.uu.net      'U`

michael@stb.UUCP (Michael) (03/04/89)

In article <6001@cbmvax.UUCP> ditto@cbmvax.UUCP (Michael "Ford" Ditto) writes:
> [comparison of what can and can not be done in amigados/unix]
>Here are some examples of things that just CAN'T be done with
>AmigaDos wildcards:
>	dir1/foo dir2/bar dir3/baz
>	dir1/foo dir2/foo dir3/foo
>	dir[123]/foo
>	*/foo
>	(and similar constructs using device/assign names rather
>	 than directories.)


I think that anything you can do in unix I can do in AmigaDos.
Try #(x/)foo to match foo, x/foo, x/x/foo, x/x/x/foo, x/x/x/x/foo, etc.
in unix.

Oh, you mean that about 1/2 of the commands that take wildcards will
fail on my examples? Thats a different problem--the code should be
written once in a library, not every time by different programs.

p.s. This is not ment as a flame; but don't say "You can't do this"
unless you're really sure of it.
: --- 
: Michael Gersten			 uunet.uu.net!stb!michael
:					crash!gryphon!denwa!stb!michael
: Its not the Coff that carries you off, its the coffin they carry you off in.

rap@ardent.UUCP (Rob Peck) (03/07/89)

In article <10657@stb.UUCP>, michael@stb.UUCP (Michael) writes:
> In article <6001@cbmvax.UUCP> ditto@cbmvax.UUCP (Michael "Ford" Ditto) writes:
> > [comparison of what can and can not be done in amigados/unix]
> >
> >Here are some examples of things that just CAN'T be done with
> >AmigaDos wildcards:

[ examples deleted ]

Anyone who has problems with commands not supporting wildcards should
look at (or just USE) the SPAT or DPAT scripts that are now in the S:
directory for 1.3.  The syntax is:

	SPAT <command-name> <wildcard-pattern> <other option(s)>


	DPAT <command-name> <wildcard-pattern> <directory> <other-option(s)>

These each run the named command once (in a script-directed loop) for each
time a filename matches the wildcard string that you provide.  Thus the
file itself need never support wildcarding because it gets run perhaps
many times, but each time receives only a vanilla (simple) file name.

I especially like the alias assigned for the RENAME command (forgot if they
used 're' or what, but essentially it lets you move a wildcard specified
set of files from one directory to another in a single command invocation.
Very nice.  Just like Unix's

	mv dir1/dir2/dir3/* newdir

The AmigaDOS equivalent uses DPAT... see the file S:Shell-startup for

Rob Peck