jerry (11/19/82)
In a few hours I will be submitting the "final" version of my discourse on netnews etiquette to net.general with an expiration date of Jan 1 1990. For anyone who did not see the draft that I posted to last week, let me explain that this document is intended to help new (and old) Usenet readers use the net in a socially acceptable way. I am violating one on my own rules, by posting a very long article to net.general, but the nature of the item requires this treatment. (I want to do everything possible to get people to read it.) I urge everyone to read it. Thanks to the more than 30 people who sent me comments on the draft. For your information, the two most common comments concerned my omission of encrypted jokes from the discussion of net.jokes and my misuse of "complement". The current version of the document is much better than it would ever have been without your help. Jerry Schwarz