[comp.sys.amiga] Bad Jokes

8642420@wwu.edu (eric cosky) (03/08/89)

| I found this in the jokes section of the news..and thought that it 
| might appeal to all non-amiga users (That should be an awful lot of users)
| In the spirit of the very successful Lada jokes, how about a few Amiga jokes?
| Here's some to start with:
[..more eaten]
| What's worse than having to program an IBM PC and fuck a pig?
| Having to program an Amiga and fuck a pig.

	It's certainly nice to know that some of those that don't have
Amiga's are so witty; the creativity shown by those jokes makes me want
to start getting THAT newsgroup too. Yow.

-eric cosky
InterNet: 8642420@wwu.edu
ATT: 206-733-1331