[comp.sys.amiga] A-TALK III / commercial telecomm. software

jay@garfield.MUN.EDU (Jay Kumarasingam) (03/16/89)

I am looking for a telecommunication package which supports the crosstalk
protocol as well as the usual ones like xmodem, kermit etc.

I hear that Aegis is no longer supporting Diga is this true. 

Could any one using A-talkIII or Diga post a review of them or send me mail


J.(Jay) Kumarasingam
UUCP:	{akgua,allegra,cbosgd,ihnp4,utcsri}!garfield!jay
EAN:	jay@garfield.mun.cdn
CSNET:  jay%garfield.mun.cdn@ubc.csnet