[net.general] Another obscure word

xerxes (11/29/82)

I encountered an unusual and to me obscure word in the recent 
Mathatics Association of America journal:

	mumpsimus - 	a bigoted adherent to an exposed
			but customary error

Are we all mumpsimusses (mumpsimi) when we call Des Plaines Illinois,
Dez Plainz?  The origin of the word has to do with a cleric
from the distant past who repeatedly mispronounced a Latin
word 'simpsimus' during his thirty years of sermonizing
(Does a follower of Peter, Simonize?).  On being informed
of his errant ways he refused to correct the pronunciation
presumably because his listeners were used to his ways.

Can you think of other more contemporary examples of a
mumpsimus?   The noun can actually refer to the 'bigoted
adherent' or to misconception of error itself.

		Ben Adams