[comp.sys.amiga] Unix and AmigaDOS

hubey@pilot.njin.net (Hubey) (03/30/89)

Hello.  If the answer to my question has already been beaten to death,
I'm sorry but I am new to the net and I didn't see it.

I don't remember reading anywhere exactly how AmigaDOS and Unix will
"live together".  I have heard that you will be able to use either one
  1) Can they both share the same hard disk?
2) Can they share the same controller ?
3) Can they share the same Ethernet card (Ameristar ?)?
4) I've heard of Amigas networked with Suns
	a) Do they use NFS ?
	b) Do they use Sun-specific Windowing? (ie. NeWS)
           I think AMiga Unix use X.
	c) Do they use Unix or AMigaDOS ?
	d) CAn we network Amigas, Suns and Vaxes
	e) If yes [to d] is DECNET or NFS 
		i.e. Suns using NFS can coexistt with DECnet hosts. 
		I assume they use NFS with Suns and DECnet protocols
		with Vaxes or maybe just the lower layers ie.
Ethernet.  So what do the Amigas do ??

Thanks for all the info anyone might post.

     H.M. Hubey                      INTERNET:  hubey@pilot.njin.net

 hubey@OSultrix.montclair.edu         VOICE:   201-893-5269