[comp.sys.amiga] PA, software for sale

dennya@pnet02.cts.com (Denny Atkin) (03/30/89)

For sale:
  -  CMI A1000 Processor Accelerator......................$105
         14 mhz 68000 accellerator, with empty socket for 68881, plugs
         in the 68000 socket in your A1000.
  -  100 Disk PD Library (Southern MS AUG disks)..........$210
         (*  Each disk 90-100% full of PD/Shareware  *)
         (*  With the disk tariff, 100 disks are soon going to
             cost $210 anyway! *)
  -  Carrier Command, Hybris, Quadralien, Skychase, 
       Bureaucracy, Skyblaster, Galactic Invasion,
       Firepower..........All 8 for only...................$90    
 IF you are interested in any of these, please leave EMAIL to DENNY on
 PLink, the address in the .signature below, or call me at (213) 431-5252.
 (Phone might be best, due to my currently having sporadic access here!)
| Denny Atkin, Writer at Large         //Amiga        |"It's all the        |
| PeopleLink: DENNY                  \X/ 1000!        | truth--except the   |
| UUCP:{ames!elroy, <backbone>}!gryphon!pnet02!dennya | bits that are lies."|
| INET:dennya@pnet02.cts.com                          |   -- Douglas Adams  |