swatt (12/01/82)
[ NOTE: this is submission #2 of 4 total. If you have already sent in a listing an have not received an acknowledgement, please re- send. If you have sent in a listing and received an acknowledgment, ingore this; there is nothing new. ] I am trying to compile a list of all the device drivers available for one or another flavor of UNIX. If you have a driver for any device not supported by the standard distribution, and are willing to distribute it on some condition or another, please mail me. PLEASE MAIL ME THIS INFORMATION -- I WILL POST TO THE NET. There is no need to ask me to send you what I find out. Please do not mail me with hearsay ( "I have a friend of a friend who might ..."), but only with hard information such as could be embodied in the format suggested below; if people do not respond to the news request, I do not have time to track them down. I suggest the form: # Sample Description: Device Name: <Manufacturer and model of device, also other manufacturers' look-alikes, if appropriate> Device Type: <such as "400 MB winchester disk", "6250 bpi tape", "DMA tty multiplexer", etc.> For CPU type: <e.g. "VAX", "PDP-11", "ONYX Z8002"> For UNIX type: <e.g. "4.1bsd", "v7", "v6", "system III"> Availability: <Who can get it> Terms & Cond.: <cost, or whatever [like "send tape ..."] Contact: <Whom to call, write, etc., to get it Use whatever form of address you would prefer to have requests arrive by. If you give a net address, be prepared to transact business by the net.> And of course, anything else people might need to know, such as "Caveats" (a high-brow word for "bugs"). I will re-submit this once a week for a month, and then "close the books". All replies will be acknowledged; if you reply to this and do not receive an acknowledgment in a reasonable time, please re-send. To make things easy, if you can please include in your reply one or two reasonable net mail paths to get back to you, as the "From:" line of your message to me may not be usable directly. The final talley will be posed to the net no later than the first week in January, 1983. Thank you, - Alan S. Watt ittvax!swatt Reachable via: decvax!ittvax!swatt duke!ittvax!swatt purdue!ittvax!swatt lbl-unix!ittvax!swatt psuvax!ittvax!swatt decvax!ittvax!swatt@Berkeley (I THINK this still works) If all that fails: (203) 375-0200 X. 203 If everything else fails: Alan S. Watt ITT Programming Technology Center 1000 Oronoque Lane Stratford, Ct. 06497 -------------------------- * UNIX is a trademark of Bell Telephone Laboratories.