[comp.sys.amiga] Bad startup-s; HELP!

A1S@PSUVM.BITNET (Andrew Snyder) (04/17/89)

I have a problem with my startup-sequence.  It quits without closing the
origional CLI window, and any CLI or SHELL I try to open closes immediately.

The changes I've made:
I wanted to free up disk space on my workbench disk by putting all of the
commands I execute only once (ie setclock, FF) and commands I want on my
resident list (ie dir, ed) on another disk and load them from there.  If I
get it to work I'll have lots of space for other things...

My system:
A 2000, 2 internal drives, 1 external 5.25, 3 megs.

My startup-sequence:

c:setpatch >nil:
start:c/cd start:c
run >nil: gomf 3.0 :
run >nil: rexxmast
setclock load
ff >nil:
resident CLI L:Shell-Seg SYSTEM pure add
resident c:execute pure
mount newcon:  ;I use conman instead of commodore's newcon
failat 11
run execute start:s/install
wait >nil: 5 mins
resident ed pure
conman >nil: -c
dmouse >nil: -l0003 -w1 -C "newshell con:0/10/300/180/What?"
start:system/setmap usa1
path ram: ram:c s: sys:system sys:utilities add
resident assign remove
cd c:
loadwb delay
endcli >nil:

the file start:s/install:

resident start:c/resident pure
resident start:c/addbuffers pure
addbuffers df0: 30
addbuffers df1: 20
resident start:c/cd pure
resident start:c/list pure
resident start:c/dir pure
resident start:c/path pure
resident start:c/info pure
resident start:c/copy pure
resident start:c/delete pure
resident start:c/rx pure
resident start:c/run pure
resident start:c/mount pure
resident start:c/assign pure
resident start:c/makedir pure
makedir ram:t
makedir ram:c
makedir ram:env
makedir ram:clipboards
assign T: ram:t
assign ENV: ram:env
assign CLIPS: ram:clipboards
mount df2:
mount speak:
mount aux:
mount pipe:
addbuffers df2: 20
resident addbuffers remove
resident mount remove
resident makedir remove
break 1 C

Any ideas why it doesn't work??


A1S @ PSUVM                  Have a day :|