[comp.sys.amiga] Easy Read Fonts

raw@mcnc.org (Russell Williams) (04/25/89)

	About two years ago, I convinced my parents to buy an amiga 1000 with
the idea of trading it in on a 2000 when it came out.  Well, they decided to
keep the 1000 instead of paying the grand for slots.  However, the computer has
seen little too no use in that time because they've been busy.  Now, they've
got time, but after using it extensively, they say the monitor hurts their eyes.In particular, my father uses an IBM model 30 at his office, and I must say, thefont used is much better defined than on the amiga.        
	My question is, are there better fonts out there to use?  If there is a
clone of the IBM 30 font, I'd like to get it.  The trick here is maximum 
readibility and minimum eyestrain.  If a normal color combination is needed to
make it work, I think they'd go for it.  Also, the font has to be the default
system font, which implies it would work with other programs, say Wordperfect.

