[comp.sys.amiga] Sidecar expansion

dennya@pnet02.cts.com (Denny Atkin) (05/04/89)

I've just purchased a used Amiga Sidecar for my A1000 and will be wanting to
expand it a bit.  I'd like to hear recommendations from other Sidecar or
Bridgeboard owners (or people with a lot of PC experience) on what cards
would be good for use on the Car and  suggestions on vendors.
I will be interested in:
1) A memory/multifunction card, 128K ram, serial port, game port
2) A PC/type hardcard. 40 meg absolute minimum, 60-80 better.
3) An accelerator board that will work with the Car. Has anyone success-
   fully used an accelerator card with the Sidecar or 8088 bridge?
I'd appreciate EMail with suggestions.  If there is any interest I'll post
a summary to the net.  (note: price is a big consideration)
| Denny Atkin, Writer at Large         //Amiga        |"It's all the        |
| PeopleLink: DENNY                  \X/ 1000!        | truth--except the   |
| UUCP:{ames!elroy, <backbone>}!gryphon!pnet02!dennya | bits that are lies."|
| INET:dennya@pnet02.cts.com                          |   -- Douglas Adams  |