[comp.sys.amiga] WP dumps Ami. "What's in Coke Classic?"

a3@mindlink.UUCP (Dave Allen) (05/07/89)

My 2 cents;
     With all the public "annoucements" here, on CI$ and elsewhere, I am
begining to think we are subjects of a "softdrink PR campaign". If you use WP
now you will have an opinion something like "gee, if we complain alot, maybe
they will reconsider and continue putting efforts into 6.0" (somthing like -
re-release coke classic) and if you don't use WP there will certainly be lots
more people aware of the plight of this company and thier products.

It is a fine marketing move, but I think we should be aware that it could be
just that.

[no caffeine for me, I use CEDPro :-]
RSI-where WEDGES come from  //                     Multi-Tasking is my life!
9651 Alexandra Road        //   Name: Dave Allen
Richmond, B.C. Canada  \\ //  Phone: (604) 278-6694 - MIND LINK (604) 533-2312
V6X 1C6                 \X/ UseNet: uunet!van-bc!rsoft!mindlink!Dave_Allen