[comp.sys.amiga] WordPerfect info

ranjit@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Ranjit Bhatnagar) (05/09/89)

This message is taken from Compuserve's Amiga Forum.  I have
no comment on the accuracy or implications of this thing.

But thought you might be interested.


Forum messages:  21050 to  47549

#: 47430 S3/Hot News and Rumors
    08-May-89  15:42:17
Sb: #WPCorp & Amiga
Fm: Amiga WordPerfect 72447,3427

OK, things are looking up, the decision has been made.
 As of today (8 May 1989) WordPerfect Corporation will continue to do new
development on WordPerfect for the Amiga.  Three programmers will be working on
both maintaining version 4.1 and Library, and additionally they will be working
on a future version of WordPerfect.
 Due to these limited resources, development will procede at a slower pace.  No
attempt will be made to do a 6.0 product for the time being.  However, features
will be added to the current product to move it in that direction.
 Currently, the first priority is to complete the maintanence update of 4.1.
This should take less than a month.
 Next, development will be done on the new version.  The current plans are not
complete, but here are some of the ideas:
 - 4.2 file format
 - Print preview
 - Sort
 - Document comments
 - ARexx support
 - Non-interactive spell checking
 - Better scroll bar support
 - Other 4.2 & 5.0 enhancements (dependant on demand & time)
 We can now move forward and get back to doing some real work on the Amiga.
 Please let me know of any opinions you have on the next version of
 We have not totally ruled out graphics support, it is something we are
considering, but with the limited resources it is hard to justify.  We will, of
course be looking at fixing the anomalies of 4.1 (scroll bars) along with
adding the new features.
\X/ Lynn

--------- end of forwarded message ---------

"Trespassers w"   ranjit@eniac.seas.upenn.edu	mailrus!eecae!netnews!eniac!...
        Near the sides of tall buildings, how dare they kiss goodbye?
  Those buildings that saw the airplanes that kiss the air in their fantasy.