dkatz (01/05/83)
NEEDED - Ideas for reducing heat loss through windows. As you ALL know, the major loss of heat from an energy efficient house (not counting what goes up the chimney) is radiant loss from the windows - particularly at night. I am planning to build a new house and am looking for ideas on how to prevent this. Suggestions found so far are: 1. Curtains only minimally effective. 2. Shutters - indoor shutters move through usable floor or wall space and are therefore undesirable. - outdoor shutters!!! Who wants to go outside at -40 degrees to close the shutters. - outdoor shutters controlled by mechanical devices indoors tend to freeze up, and require special care in the design to prevent infiltration around the mechanism - outdoor shutters motor driven and controlled from indoors tend to freeze up and are EXPENSIVE 3. Heat Blinds still not very good because air circulation around them still permits large heat loss. Also, the glass is to the outside while the blinds are closed, and therefore tend to collect moisture => wood rot, and humidity problems. This is also true of indoor shutters. 4. Plexiglas Turns cloudy under UV radiation 5. Window glass separated by about 2" of air and filled with styrofoam beads blown in at night Increase heat loss during daylight hours when evacuated EXPENSIVE, not even within reach for other than picture windows High maintenance level 6. Multi-pane glass marginal improvement, loss of solar benefit during day, coloration and distortion 7. No Windows Against the building codes Any Suggestions would be greatly welcome. The winner gets a free copy of the architectural detail drawing showing the method used (what more could you ask for?) Respond by electronic mail please. :-{ Freezing Face Dave Katz