[comp.sys.amiga] a wish, and re: clicking on shapes

MROBINSON@wash-vax.bbn.com (06/24/89)

First, the wish.  How about selecting one (or two) clipboard devices as
standard places to put clipped text (in IFF format)?  And, in particular,
extend the standard Commodore shell so a user can copy to and paste from
these clipboard device units!  My most common use for the clipboard would
be to copy and paste text between shell windows, which I do all the time
on the Sun.  The reason I mention two clipboard device units (sorry about
the improper "clipboard devices" earlier) is that very often it is handy for
me to have one long-term clip and one short-term clip.  As an example, when
I use the debugger (on the Sun at work), I frequently want to watch a structure
as I change various components of it, but occasionally I need to look at other
variables as well.  So, I use one clip for the command to display the
structure, and the other to copy the (potentially long) names of the other
variables down to display them, too.  It speeds up the process of debugging
quite a bit, and it irks me that while the Amiga has the ability to handle
multiple clipboards, not even the standard shell will use them!

Now, re: clicking on irregular shapes.  Basically, I agree with Matt, but I
want to illustrate further.  Suppose you have 50 or so separate areas for the
user to click on (like a map of the countries in North America).  I suspect
that if you make each one a gadget, Intuition will have to search through
a linear list of those gadgets, doing a rectangular boundary check until it
finds a gadget the point falls into, then translate the point into the
coordinates of the mask, then check the mask.  It may need to check several
masks before it finds the right one.  But the important point is that on
average, you'll do boundary checks for half the gadgets, or 25.

Suppose you do the quadtree thing, with each pixel being assigned a country
value.  Suppose your map is 512x512 pixels (because its close to right, and it
makes the math easier).  Since 512 is 2**9, you will do at most 9 selections
of a child node in the quadtree, and the check you do for selecting a child
node is no harder than a rectangular boundary check.  Plus, there is no masking
operation at the end (while checking the mask takes nearly no time, translating
the coordinates is almost equal to a boundary check).  Nine at worst, on
average probably 6 or 7.  One third the checks, three times as fast.

But there is a faster way.  Don't make the gadgets, but make masks for all the
countries.  Make a quadtree that only sorts the masks, not each individual
pixel on the screen.  If you place the outlines of all the masks on the screen,
you can chop the screen with vertical and horizontal lines on the boundaries of
the masks so that for each rectangle on the screen, you know which masks you
must check.  At worst, you will need to make 100 vertical lines and 100
horizontal lines.  Thus, your quadtree will have a maximum depth of
ceiling(log_base_2(100)) = log_base_2(128) = 7.  This has the dubious advantage
of trading on average 2 selections of a child node in the quadtree for checking
a mask or two (actually, you will often not even need to check a mask), but it
has the advantage that your quadtree is smaller by two levels, which cuts out
roughly half the storage for the tree.  The more complicated your picture, the
more useful this is (that is, the more jagged the borders, not the more
countries you have).  Of course, you need to store the masks, too...but if you
want to change the color of a selected country, you need those anyway.

What Matt said was right; this is an algorithms issue, not a gadget issue.  His
point was that using quadtrees, you generally need to do log_base_2(dim)
comparisons, where your screen is dim x dim pixels, and using a list of
gadgets, you generally need to do N/2 comparisons, where you have N gadgets.
For a 512 x 512 screen, if you have over 18 countries, quadtrees win on
average, and if you have over 9 countries, quadtrees win on worst case.  And,
they really are not that difficult to program, IMO.

And if you have 200 countries, still on a 512x512 screen, quadtrees will still
take you at most 9 comparisons, where a gadget list will take you 200 at most,
or 100 on average.  Only 4.5% of the time do you have a chance to beat the
