[comp.sys.amiga] eval

victor@dean.Berkeley.EDU (Victor Brueggemann) (06/27/89)

Background: Many years ago, I bought an apple //c, and later found that
expansion was nearly impossible beyond very tightly bound limits. When the
Amiga came out, I was enthralled by it's capabilities and low price. Since
I was more concerned with price than performance, I bought the A500, a neat
new toy. However, I discovered that I had made the very same mistake that I
had made with the apple //c. No room for expansion.

Question: I want to upgrade my expansion set-up, and was advised that since
many of the undercarraige-type expansions for the Amiga do not work well
with all peripheral hardware, that I should consider upgrading to a
2000/2500. Is this neccessary? (details of what I  have and what I want

[current configuration]
Amiga 500
A501 expansion to 1 Meg + clock
CA-880 Half Height external 3.5" drive
Avatex 1200 modem
jury rigged Imagewriter 1 printer (conflicts with modem)
1084 Monitor
PerfectSound audio digitizer
sound in/out to stereo

[Proposed additions]
	Additional memory/Hypercard
AT BridgeCard
	Room for IBM compatible memory (to 640k)
Color Printer
Memory expanded to 2.5 Megs of RAM with room for more

Ok. So do I need a bigger Amiga or is there a chassis-type expansion that
will allow me to create this system with my 500? Which would be cheaper in
the long run?

  "Opinions? Ummm...I filed them somewhere...can I get back to you on that?"
   Victor Brueggemann    victor@dean.berkeley.edu   CIS: 71211,3552 *Knave*
You have absolutely no sense of responsibility whatsoever! You are capricious,
arrogant, self-opinionated, irrational, and you don't even know where we are
    -- Romana, "Doctor Who"