[comp.sys.amiga] Critic's Choice

840445m@aucs.UUCP (Alan W. McKay) (04/14/89)

Does anyone have any experience with the 'Critic's Choice', the software     
bundle that is sold at a very good price to people who buy Amigas.  It 
comes with the KindWords word processer, MicroFiche filer, and some
spread sheet, the name of which I cannot remember.  My dealer told me the
whole thing is $189 (CANADIAN).  Has anyone had any experience with any 
of these packages?  Are they any good?  What is the name of the spreadsheet?
Do any of the programs have AREXX ports?  How do they compare to similar
types of programs as for features, ease of use, etc.
% Alan W. McKay     %                                             %
% Acadia University %   " The world needs more Socrates           %
% Wolfville N.S.    %     walking the streets today "             %
% CANADA            %                       - S. Corbett          %

protcoop@leibniz.uucp (07/04/89)

I recently purchased the 'Critic's Choice' software with my Amiga
500.  This software is a package deal of Micro-Fiche-Filer, Maxiplan
500, and KindWords.  All of these programs have 'DEMO VERSION, NOT
FOR RESALE' written all over the software when I run them.  Is this
supposed to happen or should I return them?  All of the features seem
to be there, I can load/save ... everything.  For those who don't know,
the Critic's choice is a special package deal only available to people
buying a new Amiga, this I why I suspect the DEMO warning is supposed
to be there.  Does anyone know how I can upgrade these?  I saw posted
on the net that MFF has an AREXX port.  Does anyone know if the version
I have has the AREXX port, or if I will have to upgrade?   

Alan W. McKay  |  My opinions are mine, yours are yours. |  Eat Food  |
NEPEAN, Ont.   |  I in no way pretend to represent the   |     and    |
613-763-8980   |  the options of my employer.  So there. |   LIVE !!  |

451061@UOTTAWA.BITNET (Valentin Pepelea) (07/05/89)

protcoop@leibniz.uucp writes in message <697@bnr-fos.UUCP>

> I recently purchased the 'Critic's Choice' software with my Amiga
>                 ...  All of these programs have 'DEMO VERSION, NOT
> FOR RESALE' written all over the software when I run them.  ...

This means the dealer sold you a package which was given to him only for demo
purposes. He did not pay anything for it, but did make money by selling it to
you. At this point, you should either contact the publisher, and tell him what
happened, or go to your dealer and ask for a refund.

> Alan W. McKay

The godess of democracy? "The           Name:   Valentin Pepelea
tyrants may distroy a statue,           Phonet: (613) 231-7476
but they cannot kill a god."            Bitnet: 451061@Uottawa.bitnet
                                        Usenet: Use cunyvm.cuny.edu gate
                   - Confucius          Planet: 451061@acadvm1.UOttawa.CA