[comp.sys.amiga] microcomputer multiplexing protocols

ugkamins@marvin.cs.buffalo.edu (Dr. R. Chandra) (07/14/89)

Things like DNet look good in "theory," and work well in practice for
many people.  For me, the 8-bit limitation (I assume that's the
problem) is what is currently holding me back.  I get all the way to
the fterm window, but then nothing--total lockup of the link.

At the very least, what I had in mind was "Kermit-izing" the linkup
protocol.  In other words, I would use control character and eighth
bit prefixing.  But an idea I had today was to rewrite the serial
driver.  This would allow you to open up VT100, VLT, Online!, Comm,
StarTerm, Meshugena, etc. so that you wouldn't lose the terminal
emulations or the transfer protocols.  Each program/process would get
its own unit/control block, much like the various console devices
(CON:, ConMan, NEWCON:, etc.) open up their own windows from Intuition
and then manage the I/O using that window.

My questions to the net are:
1.) Has this been done before?   i.e. would I be reinventing the
wheel?  (I doubt it, but I thought I'd ask anyway, JIC)
2.) What do the amiga.net.readers think about the usability and
feasability of such a project?

Alas, this is more like a request for help rather than an offer to do
it.  I think a project like this right now for me is a few millimeters
out of my reach.  If I had the time to do some research and fiddle
with my Amiga (1000, 512K (I know...please don't laugh>:^)), I'm sure I'd
eventually do it.  But if I see enough positive response, I just might
"make" the time and try it.

Email, followed by a summary by me, would probably be most
a-WYSIWYG, a-WYSIWIG                      _ _
a-WYSIWYG, a-WYSIWIG                     ////
a-WYSIWYG, a-WYSIWIG                    ////
a-WYSIWYG, a-WYSIWIG                   ////
In the jungle                   _ _   ////
The silicon jungle              \\\\ ////
The process sleeps tonight       \\\////
ugkamins@sunybcs.UUCP   (UnderGraduate john i. KAMINSki)