[comp.sys.amiga] Review: Millenium 2.2

victor@dean.Berkeley.EDU (Victor Brueggemann) (07/15/89)

	If you don't like games that make you think, stop reading now.
Millenium 2.2 is not for you.
	I bought this vame the other night, and was very skeptical of it,
since I'd never heard of the publisher, and since the package divulged little
of what the game was like. The manual is printed in several languages, but is
VERY vague. Little did I realise that this was (probably) intentional. The
game is very challenging; You are the commander of the Moon base, the last
bastion of humanity, since the Earth was rendered uninhabitable by a LARGE
meteorite impact.
	You must learn how to use the raw materials around you to build
more effective power sources, transportation, etc., before you can even
think about further colinization. The game is almost completely mouse
driven, except for a few keyboard prompts (naming of ships), and joystick
sequences involving a certian type of ship.
	This game is one of the 3 best I've ever seen for the amiga. The 
graphics are good, and the animation (not much) is fairly smooth. The game
itself is a constant challenge, and every time I think it's starting to
drag out, something happens that draws me right back into it. If it were a
book, it would be a "can't put it down" type. Definitely one of those games
you will play blissfully ignorant of the time into the wee hours of
the morning. I'm not going to be specific about the workings of the game,
I'll just leave this review with the following summary;

	"Buy this game, and try EVERYTHING."