[comp.sys.amiga] ST296N on the way, what is your Mountlist?

leyse@voltron.SRC.Honeywell.COM (Todd Leyse) (07/20/89)

For the past few years I've had my A1000 and wished I had owned
a harddrive, but wanted to wait 'til I get an A2000.  Now I have
it and the A2090 and a Seagate ST296N on order, despite
everyone's complaints.

So I ask you, what MountList's are you using that works well
with this drive?  Also, what sort of DiskPerf results should
I expect with this set up?  If you have tips on how to keep
my drive running, I'd appreciate them too.  I don't plan on
it powering down very often (~once a month).

Thanks for the info, and Moooo!,
Todd C Leyse   MN65-2100    Honeywell Systems and Research Center
Voice:     (612)782-7380    Snail:    3660 Technology Dr., Minneapolis, MN 55418
Amiga: Not Available yet    Internet: leyse@moon.honeywell.com
UUCP:  leyse@srcsip.uucp    Bang:     {umn-cs,ems,bthpyd}!srcsip!leyse