[comp.sys.amiga] Anybody in germany

dillon@POSTGRES.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) (07/20/89)

	Anybody who lives in Germany,

	Please spread the word that the following PD distributor:

	Stephen Ossowski
	Veronikastr. 33, 4300 Essen 1
	West Germany

	Is selling various PD, Shareware, and Freeware copyrighten programs
    for outrageous prices.  Specifically, he is selling my DME editor for
    DM 30,- , which is aproximately US $57.  So far I've been written twice
    from friends in West Germany and have in my possession a page from a
    big German magazine called 'Amiga' (?) with the add for DME.

	From what I can tell, he is selling a 3000 word english<->german 
    dictionary and a translated manual and attempting to beat the legality
    of the situation by bundling the stuff together.

	DME Has explicit copyright and distribution notices.  It is NOT PD
    (Remember that anything you mark as 'PD' is exactly that, Public Domain.
    Anybody can do anything they want with it).  The distribution notice
    specifies only non-profit fees be allowed.


steveb@cbmvax.UUCP (Steve Beats) (07/20/89)

In article <8907191837.AA05638@postgres.Berkeley.EDU> dillon@POSTGRES.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) writes:
>	Is selling various PD, Shareware, and Freeware copyrighten programs
>    for outrageous prices.  Specifically, he is selling my DME editor for
>    DM 30,- , which is aproximately US $57.  So far I've been written twice
>    (Remember that anything you mark as 'PD' is exactly that, Public Domain.
>    Anybody can do anything they want with it).  The distribution notice
>    specifies only non-profit fees be allowed.
>						-Matt

DM 30,- is actually about $15.00 which is arguably OK considering the guy
is supplying "value added" stuff with the bundled package.


balzer@frambo.enet.dec.com (Christian Balzer) (07/21/89)

In article <8907191837.AA05638@postgres.Berkeley.EDU>, dillon@POSTGRES.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) writes...
>	Anybody who lives in Germany,
>	Please spread the word that the following PD distributor:
>	Stephen Ossowski
>	Veronikastr. 33, 4300 Essen 1
>	West Germany
[is selling DME for DM 30, etc...]

No need to spread the word Matt, everbody capable of opening a German Amiga 
magazine and reading knows for some time now what piece of scum Mr. Ossowski
But be asured, he's not alone and not even the worst, although the largest
commercial PD distributor.

Anybody remembers my "PD Piracy" thread some months ago???

Some suckers are making BIG bucks with PD/FreeWare/ShareWare over here.

Mr Ossowski even modified some Fish disks that contained programs with notices
that explictly forbid distribution by him, so that these notices where either
erased or the whole program was gone.

But fear not, there is major movement with the aid of a large German Amiga
magazine underway to close down operations like those of Mr. Ossowski.

I hereby ask ALL authors of PD/FreeWare/ShareWare to send me Email regarding
their views on this topic and proposed actions vs. such individuals.
If you're interested in legal actions, etc...


- <CB>
--  _  _
 / /  | \ \  <CB> aka Christian Balzer  - The Software Brewery -
< <   |-<  > UUCP : decwrl!frambo.dec.com!CB | E-Net: FRAMBO::BALZER
 \ \_ |_/ /  I-Net: CB@frambo.dec.com -OR- CB@frambo.enet.dec.com 
------------ PMail: Im Wingertsberg 45, D-6108 Weiterstadt, F.R.G.

tope@enea.se (Tommy Petersson) (07/23/89)

In article <8907191837.AA05638@postgres.Berkeley.EDU> dillon@POSTGRES.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) writes:
-	Anybody who lives in Germany,
-	Please spread the word that the following PD distributor:
-	Stephen Ossowski
-	Veronikastr. 33, 4300 Essen 1
-	West Germany
-	Is selling various PD, Shareware, and Freeware copyrighten programs
-    for outrageous prices.  Specifically, he is selling my DME editor for
-    DM 30,- , which is aproximately US $57.  So far I've been written twice
. stuff deleted
-						-Matt

Well, I agree that PD programs etc. should not be sold or profit.
However, DM 30:- is approximately USD 17, not 57. It may be worth it,
but of course he is not the one to make the profit.

					 Tommy P.