[comp.sys.amiga] Keyboard Lockup Problem with British Games!

dringler@pica.army.mil (Darrell Ringler) (07/27/89)

I'm having problem bootings up a new British game I picked up on my Amiga
2000. The program is called, Thunderbirds. It's based on an old British
Science Fiction TV program by Gerry Anderson which used puppets as the
`actors', called SuperMarionation. You boot from the first of two copy
protected disks, the title screen pops up and displays a little
animation of the Thunderbirds aircraft/spacecraft launching while
the speech synthesizer does a countdown and the title music plays.

At this point the keyboard is locked up and no key you hit will work.
The CAPS LOCK key will not light up at all either. Nothing you do to
the keyboard or even the fire buttons on the joystick will work. Except
for a single time out of the many reboots have I managed to start the
game and reach the next screen. That must have been luck or the timing
of the keyboard and the program just happened to be in sync. I still
could do nothing to continue the game.

Does anybody know if this is a timing problem with the North American
version of the Amiga's keyboard and those made overseas? Help! I would
love to play this game! I've seen another game, Elite, work on an Amiga
in a store but NOT run on mine. It had almost the same setup as mine
except for the brand of RAM board and I have bigger hard disks.

My setup: Amiga2000, 2Meg RAM ASDG board, Bridgeboard, and hard disks.
Also, I have the type of keyboard you must hit a key first before the
character will show up on the screen. Would this be the problem?

Thanx in advance!

|        --Darrell Ringler               "Have TARDIS...Will Time Travel!"   |
|Internet: <dringler@pica.army.mil>  or  <dringler@ardec.arpa>               |
|Bitnet: <dringler%pica.army.mil@mitvma.mit.edu> or <...@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu>|
|Usenet: pica.army.mil!dringler@uunet.uu.net or uunet!pica.army.mil!dringler |
|             Compuserve: 73167,44 or <73167.44@compuserve.com>              |

erk@americ.UUCP (Erick Parsons) (07/27/89)

>From: dringler@pica.army.mil Message-ID: <20531@louie.udel.EDU>
>Also, I have the type of keyboard you must hit a key first before the
>character will show up on the screen. Would this be the problem?

Funny.. Mine does the same thing. Any fix for this ?? :-)

Sorry , couldn't resist.

 ------------------ //\ -----------Cut-Here----------------------------------
  Erick Parsons    // \\   Words for the wise:   *If it works don't fix it.*
  Sacramento Ca   //___\\     mail to:..ames!pacbell!sactoh0!americ!erk
 ------------- \\//     \\ --------------------------------------------------
  Disclaimer: They MADE me do it .