[comp.sys.amiga] Rexx man

laba-2kc@web-2c.berkeley.edu (Sang Yup Kim) (08/13/89)

Here's a man "server" in rexx.  To use it, install it (set the first few
assignments to the proper directories/etc), and then when you call it,
the usage is:
	man -e file

It automatically assumes a .doc.  You can set it to assume any other thing
as an extension if you want.  Please send comments/suggestions/etc to:

	Na Choon Piaw
	laba-2kc@web.berkeley.edu	/* subject to change very soon */

---------------------------------------- cut here -------------------------
/* Copyright 1989 by Na Choon Piaw */
/* Freely distributable provided this header remains intact */
/* man -- show manual page (originally on Rexx disk, heavily modified) */
/* usage: man [ -e | -m ] document */
/* NOTE: You must have rexx, rexxarplib installed, and arp.library */
/* to run this program */
/* trace ?R */
/* first for the defines - put your own locations for env, more, and docs */
/*   directory here */
more = 'sys:utilities/more'
env = 'ram:env/'
docsdir = 'docs:'
parse arg x y
/* check for the -e and -m option */
if x = '-e' | x = '-E' then
   manuse = getenv('editor')
else if x = '-m' | x = '-M' then
   manuse = more
      drop manuse
      y = x
/* taken care of potential options */
x = strip(y, 'B')
shell command
/* has a file been named? */
if x = '' then do
  x = getfile(0, 0, docsdir,'', 'Manual search')
  if x = '' then exit 0
  if exists(x) then call openfile(x, manuse)
  else say x 'does not exists'
  exit 0
/* user has selected a file */
x = docsdir || x || '.doc'
if exists(x) then call openfile(x, manuse)
else say 'No manual entry for' substr(x,6,length(x)-9)
exit 0

/* open the file using y as a program and x as the file. */
openfile: procedure expose env more
arg x,y
if y = manuse then			/* user has not selected option */
      result = request(0, 0, 'More or Edit',,'More','Edit')
      if result = 'OKAY' then
      more x
         ed = getenv('editor')
         'run' ed x
      end /* else */
   end /* then */
   y x
exit 0

/* getenv (1.3 version) */
/* other versions just strip this procedure and do a direct call thru */
/* rexxarplib.   */
getenv: procedure expose env more
arg y
z = env || y
if exists(z) then
   call open(f, z, 'R')
   retval = readln(f)
   call close(f)
   return retval
   return more