[comp.sys.amiga] gif files

jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu (John M. Adams) (01/05/89)

Does anyone know of an FTP site with GIF picture files?  If so, please
email me the site address, as I don't get to read the USENET news too
often.  Thanks in advance!
Internet: jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu                     | John M. Adams        ///
UUCP: {codas|gatech}!uflorida!beach.cis.ufl.edu!jma |   University        ///
"Risk.  Risk is our business!" - Kirk               |   of Florida    \\\///

pmartin@ucqais.uc.edu (Paul Martin) (08/07/89)

Can anyone tell me if there is a pd program for the amiga that
will display GIF format picture from the IBM-PC?  If so can
you also direct me to the nearest FTP site to get it?
many thanx!

spierce@pnet01.cts.com (Stuart Pierce) (08/08/89)

HAMGIF will display an IBM GIF picture, including 256-color VGA pictures. 
Converting a VGA picture to the .SHAM format and viewing it with ShamView will
give you much sharper HAM results.

Stuart W. Pierce

tron1@tronsbox.UUCP (HIM) (08/12/89)

>HAMGIF will display an IBM GIF picture, including 256-color VGA pictures. 
>Converting a VGA picture to the .SHAM format and viewing it with ShamView will

>give you much sharper HAM results.

Actually , I have found that the HAMGIF I use is actually pretty braindead
about the pallett it uses. i have several VERY GOOD VGA pictures, and the
HAMGIF program manages to munge them so they look like 16 colors (all
fleshtone the same ect) -- if someone could email me that latest version it
will save me the trouble of writing one.

Also , can any >SHAM do 320x400???

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* UUCP: tron1@tronsbox.UUCP  uunet!mimsy!oddjob!clout!ddsw1!tronsbox!tron1 *
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*                     (201)759-8450  (201)759-8568                         *

wendell@medsys.UUCP (bbs amiga user) (08/15/89)

tron1@tronsbox.UUCP (HIM) writes:

>>HAMGIF will display an IBM GIF picture, including 256-color VGA pictures. 
>>Converting a VGA picture to the .SHAM format and viewing it with ShamView will

>>give you much sharper HAM results.

>Actually , I have found that the HAMGIF I use is actually pretty braindead
>about the pallett it uses. i have several VERY GOOD VGA pictures, and the
>HAMGIF program manages to munge them so they look like 16 colors (all
>fleshtone the same ect) -- if someone could email me that latest version it
>will save me the trouble of writing one.

>Also , can any >SHAM do 320x400???

Agreed, HAMGIF does a GREAT job of messing up the pallette on otherwise good
GIF files. I can't speak for SHAMVIEW (just got it, haven't tried it out), but
I also just got VIRTGIF 1.0 (Virtual Gif Viewer), and it is supposed to a good
job of showing 256 color gifs, and it will show gifs upto 1024 x 768? on a 
320 x 400 screen with scrolling similar to SuperView does for IFFs.

Now, does anybody have anything like AMGIF that will convert HAM pics to 256
color gifs with bigger resolutions that AMGIF can handle? 

bjc@pollux.UUCP (Betty J. Clay) (08/15/89)

In article <1768@ucqais.uc.edu> pmartin@ucqais.uc.edu (Paul Martin) writes:
>Can anyone tell me if there is a pd program for the amiga that
>will display GIF format picture from the IBM-PC?  If so can
>you also direct me to the nearest FTP site to get it?
>many thanx!
I cannot direct you to an FTP site, but I can tell you where to find the
program.  In the AmigaArts Forum on CompuServe, Library 9, you can find
HAMGIF which will display these pictures.  We have a new viewer that
is currently in Library 1, but will eventually move to Library 9.  It is
called VIRTGIF.  VIRTGIF will display GIF pictures that are larger than
the Amiga screen will display, and you can use the cursor keys to move
around in them.  In the PICS forum on CompuServe, there is yet another
Amiga viewer for GIF called AMGIF.


Betty Clay 
CompuServe     76702,337

rtczegledi@crocus.waterloo.edu (Richard Czegledi) (08/16/89)

>Agreed, HAMGIF does a GREAT job of messing up the pallette on otherwise good
>GIF files. I can't speak for SHAMVIEW (just got it, haven't tried it out), but
>I also just got VIRTGIF 1.0 (Virtual Gif Viewer), and it is supposed to a good
>job of showing 256 color gifs, and it will show gifs upto 1024 x 768? on a 
>320 x 400 screen with scrolling similar to SuperView does for IFFs.
>Now, does anybody have anything like AMGIF that will convert HAM pics to 256
>color gifs with bigger resolutions that AMGIF can handle? 

Could you post VIRTGIF to the binaries?  I'm sure we all could use such
a gif viewer.  

Also, could someone give me information on how the ATARI-ST spectrum
pictures work?  I have a file (yes I do!) that describes the FORMAT of the
spectrum file (and weird it is), but it doesn't clue me in to how the 3
palettes for each scan line are indexed by the 4 bitplane image.

Oh, and if somebody out there knows where I can get info for the Digiview
IP files, I'd be more than extatic.  Are they just IFF's with plenty

With this information in my head that you can give me I'll get to writing
a spectrum and gif to IP format converter.  Then you can go to Newtek's
Transfer 24 software and see the GIF as best as the computer can reasonably

tron1@tronsbox.UUCP (K.J.Jamieson) (08/18/89)

>Could you post VIRTGIF to the binaries?  I'm sure we all could use such
>a gif viewer.  

OR JUST EMAIL it to me.

Actually , a quick session with the calculator and the hardware manual tells
me that it is POSSIBLE to construct a 256 color picture that CANNOT be
duplicated on an Amiga in 320x200. 

We are dealing with 4 bits per color as opposed to 6 --- so some fancy
dithering work may be needed.

 "Lord, you gave us feet to waddle. A tux for tails and bods like bottles..
  but 'scuse us if we find no levity, since you also gave us gravity.
  But to adversity, we say NUTS! And when it's time to fly the coop,
  we flap and beat to lift our buts, and we're left as walking nincompoops.
  So Lord, I'd think you more than wise, (and me much less a jerk) 
  if only once you might supply.....
                        SOME PENGUIN WINGS THAT WORK!"  Opus '83 - 89 R.I.P.

 UUCP: tron1@tronsbox.UUCP  uunet!mimsy!oddjob!clout!ddsw1!tronsbox!tron1 
      Sysop, The Penthouse ]I[ BBS - (201)759-8450 / (201)759-8568 