[comp.sys.amiga] need help with F/A-18

kim@watsup.waterloo.edu (T. Kim Nguyen) (08/15/89)

Hi there...  I'm trying to get past the "Drop Rescue Pod" mission, but
I can't seem to find the !@#$$#^%$#@ key sequence to do that.  If you
know how to drop the pod, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!  Auuuughghghghghgghg!!!
Kim Nguyen 					kim@watsup.waterloo.edu
Systems Design Engineering  --  University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

graetz@oakhill.UUCP (Richard Graetz) (08/15/89)

In article <KIM.89Aug15001206@watsup.waterloo.edu> kim@watsup.waterloo.edu (T. Kim Nguyen) writes:
>Hi there...  I'm trying to get past the "Drop Rescue Pod" mission, but
>I can't seem to find the !@#$$#^%$#@ key sequence to do that.  If you
>know how to drop the pod, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!  Auuuughghghghghgghg!!!
>Kim Nguyen 					kim@watsup.waterloo.edu
>Systems Design Engineering  --  University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

If you would read your manual on page 9 you will notice a small box in
the lower right corner that describes the key sequence needed to release
the rescue pod.

Richard Graetz

beh@caen.engin.umich.edu (Bob Hruska) (08/16/89)

From article <2307@astro.oakhill.UUCP>, by graetz@oakhill.UUCP (Richard Graetz):
> In article <KIM.89Aug15001206@watsup.waterloo.edu> kim@watsup.waterloo.edu (T. Kim Nguyen) writes:
>>Hi there...  I'm trying to get past the "Drop Rescue Pod" mission, but
>>I can't seem to find the !@#$$#^%$#@ key sequence to do that.  If you
>>know how to drop the pod, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!  Auuuughghghghghgghg!!!
>>Kim Nguyen 					kim@watsup.waterloo.edu
>>Systems Design Engineering  --  University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
> If you would read your manual on page 9 you will notice a small box in
> the lower right corner that describes the key sequence needed to release
> the rescue pod.
> Richard Graetz

Good show, Richard!

Bob Hruska   University of Michigan Computer Aided Engineering Network (CAEN)

INTERNET: beh@caen.engin.umich.edu
    UUCP: {umix|ucbvax|uunet}!caen.engin.umich.edu!beh

kim@watsup.waterloo.edu (T. Kim Nguyen) (08/17/89)

In article <2307@astro.oakhill.UUCP> graetz@oakhill.UUCP (Richard Graetz) writes:

   If you would read your manual on page 9 you will notice a small box in
   the lower right corner that describes the key sequence needed to release
   the rescue pod.

   Richard Graetz

I guess I expected to be razzed for this.  I'm not sure how to
respond; perhaps I should be indignant for such self-righteous replies
as this one, or maybe I should be complacent and simply thank those
people who were kind enough to answer me civilly and unaccusingly.  

I choose the latter.

Kim Nguyen 				  kim@watsup.waterloo.{edu|cdn}
Systems Design Engineering  --  University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

bakerj@mothra.UUCP (Jon Baker) (08/18/89)

was something like shift-d or alt-d.  The trick is to drop the pod
directly on the fools head!  You've got to be flying very low and
fairly slow.  Watch out for the slow speed; after dropping the pod you
must quickly pull up to get over the mountain.

Let me know how you fare on the Russkie carrier-sub mission.  I haven't
been able to sink that thing yet!  If anybody has any hints, I'd 
appreciate it.


tron1@tronsbox.UUCP (K.J.Jamieson) (08/18/89)

>   If you would read your manual on page 9 you will notice a small box in
>   the lower right corner that describes the key sequence needed to release
>   the rescue pod.

Personally , I would be offended , I mean, like IF you were a pirate you
would repent because of this??

 "Lord, you gave us feet to waddle. A tux for tails and bods like bottles..
  but 'scuse us if we find no levity, since you also gave us gravity.
  But to adversity, we say NUTS! And when it's time to fly the coop,
  we flap and beat to lift our buts, and we're left as walking nincompoops.
  So Lord, I'd think you more than wise, (and me much less a jerk) 
  if only once you might supply.....
                        SOME PENGUIN WINGS THAT WORK!"  Opus '83 - 89 R.I.P.

 UUCP: tron1@tronsbox.UUCP  uunet!mimsy!oddjob!clout!ddsw1!tronsbox!tron1 
      Sysop, The Penthouse ]I[ BBS - (201)759-8450 / (201)759-8568 

tron1@tronsbox.UUCP (K.J.Jamieson) (08/18/89)

More on F-18 -- I have done ALL the missions.. but CAN'T KILL THE CARRIER
SUB!!! I can slam missles and guns into all day and it wont SINK!! .. I even
LAND on it and fire into the conning tower.


 "Lord, you gave us feet to waddle. A tux for tails and bods like bottles..
  but 'scuse us if we find no levity, since you also gave us gravity.
  But to adversity, we say NUTS! And when it's time to fly the coop,
  we flap and beat to lift our buts, and we're left as walking nincompoops.
  So Lord, I'd think you more than wise, (and me much less a jerk) 
  if only once you might supply.....
                        SOME PENGUIN WINGS THAT WORK!"  Opus '83 - 89 R.I.P.

 UUCP: tron1@tronsbox.UUCP  uunet!mimsy!oddjob!clout!ddsw1!tronsbox!tron1 
      Sysop, The Penthouse ]I[ BBS - (201)759-8450 / (201)759-8568 

rchampe@hubcap.clemson.edu (Richard Champeaux) (08/22/89)

In article <45175608.14249@mothra.UUCP>, bakerj@mothra.UUCP (Jon Baker) writes:
> directly on the fools head!  You've got to be flying very low and
> fairly slow.  Watch out for the slow speed; after dropping the pod you
> must quickly pull up to get over the mountain.
> J.Baker.

Solution:  Don't fly straight at the mountian.  Fly straight off your carrier
for a while untill you're at a point where you can turn left and fly right
over the downed pilot without passing over the mountain.

Rich Champeaux   (Now at rchampe@hubcap.clemson.edu)

liberato@drivax.UUCP (Jimmy Liberato) (08/22/89)

In article <[24eb85ab:1207.4]un.amiga;1@tronsbox.UUCP> tron1@tronsbox.UUCP (K.J.Jamieson) writes:
>More on F-18 -- I have done ALL the missions.. but CAN'T KILL THE CARRIER
>SUB!!! I can slam missles and guns into all day and it wont SINK!! .. I even
>LAND on it and fire into the conning tower.
>! GROAN !

The solution to this one is also in the manual, if you look *real* hard! :) :)

Jimmy Liberato   ...!amdahl!drivax!liberato                              
     "Marry then if you must.  If your wife be good, you will be happy.
         If not, you will become a philosopher."  -Socrates

dan-hankins@cup.portal.com (Daniel B Hankins) (08/23/89)

     Okay, so I looked REAL HARD in the manual... no joy.  But I will say
this on the last mission:  The mission briefing _lies_.  You can't sink
the carrier.  Kill all _four_ planes sent to intercept you, and you've
completed the mission.  If one of the four aircraft launched is a cruise
missile, your chances of success drop radically.  I've shot down all four
aircraft when one was a cruise missile and the mission would not complete.
I believe this is one of the few bugs in the game.

     Incidentally, I've sent EA a four-page letter on what the bugs are in
F/A-18 and what improvements could be made, and got the standard "We've
sent this to our development department - don't call us, we'll call you"

Dan Hankins

bakerj@mothra.UUCP (Jon Baker) (08/23/89)

> More on F-18 -- I have done ALL the missions.. but CAN'T KILL THE CARRIER
> SUB!!! I can slam missles and guns into all day and it wont SINK!! .. I even
> LAND on it and fire into the conning tower.

Ditto K Jamieson's frustration with the carrier sub.  I've completed
every mission except that one.  I've pumped every missile and gun round
into every nook of that sub, even re-armed and gone back for more.  It
just won't sink!  I didn't get so bold as to actually land on it,
though...  Maybe the tactic is other than overwhelming firepower.
Perhaps littering it with chaff might drive them off.  Or maybe
dropping the rescue pod?


hue@netcom.UUCP (Jonathan Hue) (08/24/89)

Maybe this belongs in the monthly posting...

In article <4533a2ed.14249@mothra.UUCP>, bakerj@mothra.UUCP (Jon Baker) writes:
> Ditto K Jamieson's frustration with the carrier sub.  I've completed
> every mission except that one.  I've pumped every missile and gun round
> into every nook of that sub, even re-armed and gone back for more.  It

You can't sink the sub.  Just shoot down all the MiGs and you should get
the mission completed message.  I'm not positive, but it seems like
this only works if you don't miss with any of your missiles; you have to
use four missiles to shoot down four MiGs.


felixc@mtgzy.att.com (Felix Cabral) (08/24/89)

In article <4533a2ed.14249@mothra.UUCP> bakerj@mothra.UUCP (Jon Baker) writes:
>> More on F-18 -- I have done ALL the missions.. but CAN'T KILL THE CARRIER
>> SUB!!! I can slam missles and guns into all day and it wont SINK!! .. I even
>> LAND on it and fire into the conning tower.

I have completed all the missions in F-18 including this one. What you have
to do is shoot all the migs. Stay under 200 feet while flying if possible.
Flying low will keep you out of radar and missles. When you shoot down the
migs your mission will be over. There is NO WAY to sink the sub even if
you try kamakazie (sp?).
Felix Cabral		{felixc@mtgzy.att.com}      "Just give me a rad 
AT&T Bell Labs		{	  or         }       wave, a rad board and 
Middletown,NJ		{  att!mtgzy!felixc  }       a company sick day"
4B-402 (201) 957-5081

jim@syteke.UUCP (Jim Sanchez) (08/25/89)

FLAME ON!  Can't you make your signature a LITTLE shorter.  While it was
interesting/humourous the first time, it quickly became tiring.
From the netetequet postings sigs should be only 3 or 4 lines!!!
FLAME OFF! I apologize if you are a newcomer but thems the rules.

Jim Sanchez  {sun,hplabs}!sun!sytek!syteke!jim OR
Hughes LAN Systems, Brussels  mcvax!prlb2!sunbim!syteke!jim