[comp.sys.amiga] ProDraw--Help!

joe@lakesys.UUCP (Joe Pantuso) (08/27/89)

Courtesy of a bizzarre and STUPID mistake I have just managed to trash both
my backup and origional of the Fonts disk for Professional Draw.  So now I 
cannot use fonts, nor can I put out the ESPF files I need to.  

HELP!  I need to get this out right away and I know that it will take me a month to get a replacement from the manufacturer.  I already called my dealer and
he does not have one in stock.  So I appeal to you, the fine folks of netland, to bail me out.  If you can send me the second disk pronto let me know and I'll
send you a check for disk/postage/trouble.


Joe Pantuso		joe@lakesys.lakesys.com